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How to Set Up a Home Studio

>> Nov 16, 2011

Controlling as many of the elements as possible is a key to quality photography, and this is where even a basic home studio can prove invaluable. Having the ability to alter lighting, use props and change backgrounds can make all the difference to your photography. The digital cameras you use in a home studio don’t have to cost the earth either. A good quality digital SLR is all that’s required, along with a range of lenses and a tripod. The studio doesn’t have to be a huge space either, so here are a few tips to set you on the right track.

Location, location, location
Chances are that you will be limited by choice at home when it comes to setting up a home studio, but sometimes it is just a case of thinking outside the square. If you are lucky enough to have a granny flat or old garage then you are already one step ahead. Otherwise you will need to look at spare rooms or even a workshop. Regardless of the location, it needs to adaptable. Any windows should have blockout curtains, but you will also want to use the sunlight in some shots so you will need to keep that in mind. The space should be free of clutter to give you plenty of room to move around uninhibited. You are also going to want plenty of power points for lights and your computer (because you will want to see how your images turn out sooner rather than later). Light-coloured walls are also a good idea to bounce flashes and lighting off.

Lights, camera, action
The biggest advantage of using a studio is the ability to control all of the elements. Light can be friend and foe in photography and it is in the studio where you can use it to its maximum effect. There is a big range of professional lights available but these can be quite costly. Of course they will usually give you the best results, but you can achieve similar results using household lighting. You will need different types of lighting for different effects – soft light like that produced by a lamp, or hard light produced by a spotlight. It is important that whatever lights you use are also portable and can be easily moved around the studio. It may take a bit of experimentation with your lighting to get the right effects, so don’t be scared to experiment.

Props and backgrounds
Having a neutral background that can be moved in and out of position is vital. There are backgrounds made specifically for studios but you can improvise – sheets, curtains, even butcher’s paper can be used. Make sure it is attached to some kind of system where it can be rolled up and down or moved to different parts of the room. Other items you should consider include a table that can be covered by a neutral cloth, much like a background, that can be used for photographing smaller items such as flowers. A chair or lounge with character is also a great idea if you enjoy taking portraits. Consider a box full of other odds and ends as well – professional photographers always have all kinds of knick-knacks on hand that can enhance an image.

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