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How To Hire A House Painter

>> Nov 14, 2019

Most people feel that painting is an easy job and they can do it themselves, but often the results are not as professional as they want it to be. Ask any person who has undertaken a DIY painting of their home, if they would do it again or would they hire a professional painter, the predominant answer would be, hire a professional painter. The following points will help you do just that.
Set up an initial meeting: You need to call professional contractors and ask them to visit your home. A good painting contractor will review your home completely and then provide an estimate based on the present condition of the house. You can also converse with them and get to know more about their company, the number of people working, the experience of the people who will do the job etc. You should also let the painter know what you require as this will help them provide an estimate of the cost. Most people feel that more the number of coats, the better the result. It is a misconception, the better the surface is prepared, the better the result, so make sure that the contractor speaks about treating imperfections and unevenness etc. Ask the contractor to provide an estimate on paper with details such as the type of paint and brand being used, the type of primer being used, the cost of labour etc. Additionally find out if the contractor has all the necessary licences to do the job. It is also important to find out if the painting crew has the necessary insurance.

Ask for references: A good contractor will not be averse to providing references, recently I had hired Triangle Painting and they provided a list of references and their website had a full gallery of past work. You can also check out past work of the contractor and see if the work is good. Not just references you should also check if the contractor is a member of any local groups or if they are in the BBB (Better Business Bureau) etc. If the contractor is listed in such groups you can be sure that the level of work and commitment will be good.

Guarantee on paper: Ask the painter to provide a guarantee that they will review and set right future peeling or flaking or fading of paint. They should do this for free or for a nominal fee. Some contractors may try to wriggle out of the proposition by saying that the paint has a warranty but you need to get the guarantee on paper because labour costs can be very high.

The paint: You have a choice of letting the contractor buy the paint or you can do so yourself. Choosing the paint on your own is the better option because you can select the best paints, the ones that are free from lead, the ones that breathe etc.


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