Teachergive Sale 2023

Teachergive Sale 2023

Sitting Cat

>> Jan 31, 2015

You can find and see a variety of funny sitting cat positions in the internet. Some of them made me laugh and amazed.

I haven’t yet seen Koneng -our young male cat- sitting in ‘human sitting style’, yet he’s often lying on his belly with these positions:



Preparing Your Car for a Long Distance Trip

>> Jan 30, 2015


After the winter season passes, do you plan to have a road trip with your personal vehicle? To anticipate a long journey, the vehicle must be in fit condition. Not only the driver should be ready physically and mentally, the vehicle must be in top performance. Before leaving home, your car must be checked and serviced first.

As a car owner, you should also know how to set up a vehicle for a long trip, so don’t just surrender completely to people at the car service. What should be checked in your car? Here I share a check list, compiled from various sources, including avanzaxenia.net. If you want to check your own car, the following list can be used as a reference.

1. Ignition
Check the platinum or coil condition, as well as the spark plug and cord. If the electrode looks somewhat black, clean it with fine sandpaper or replace with the new one.

2. Electricity
Check fuses, relays, sockets, cables, amps, alternator, and the instruments on the dashboard. Check out also the battery condition that includes pole terminal, battery water, and the whole battery cables. Clean the battery from the white crust with hot water. Once dry; oil the pole battery terminal.

3. Oil of the engine, axle, and transmission
Oil must be replaced periodically. If you don’t remember when the last time you changed the engine, axle and transmission oil; it would be safer if you change it with new oil. Oil changing can be done alone or at the workshop.

4. Radiator, fan belt, air conditioner
Make sure that the air conditioning and radiator work fine. If small cracks found, replace the fan belt of alternator and air conditioner.

5. Brake
Check all related to the car brake. You should check the drum and disc brakes at each wheel. Brake mechanism, brake cable, hand brake, and the brake fluid also should be checked.

6. Tires
Check out the air pressure of each tire. If there is no budget to buy a new tire, do the tire rotation where the better tires placed in the front position. Spooring and balancing treatment will make the steering wheel not vibrate when the car runs in high speed and it will be controlled more conveniently.

7. Preparing additional required equipment.
-Do you have more budgets to increase luggage space outside? To carry the goods, you can install the framework roof rack and roof box.
-Cool box to load cold drinks.
-Global Positioning System devices. GPS can help you in providing the information of travel route, restaurants, ATMs, and gas stations.

8. Bring medicine and required tools.
-Medicinine box. You can fill it with some common medications such as wind oil, wound cure, plaster, medicines for headache, flu, coughs, ulcers, as well as vitamins.
-Tool box of vehicle that contains a set of standard equipment such as wheel locks, a set of jacks, pliers, and a screwdriver.
-Extra spare parts and tool kits such as fan belts, 10A or 15 A fuses, insulator, bulb lights (brake, reverse, headlights), safety triangle, battery jumper cables, pen test, hammer, mini compressor, gloves, flashlight, and WD40 liquid penetration.

To anticipate traffic jam on common routes, prepare an alternate route and find the right information. Avoid running out of fuel by planning any location where you need to refuel back. Always apply safety driving during the road trip, and don’t forget to pray.


Should We Celebrate Birthdays?

>> Jan 26, 2015

Today is my birthday. My husband and I don’t have any plan. We just prayed together this early morning and it’s already a special celebration for me. Do you always celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate it?

I found a good article written by Simon Jacobson. I agree with his thought. If we’re grateful for what we have in life now, we should also be thankful for the tree that bears the fruits of our life -our birth- that actually is our beginning.

The celebration should be much more than an event to receive gifts from close people. Birthday celebration is a time to commemorate the birth itself, a chance to rethink your life. A birthday could be an annual refresher.

He said that there is no better way to celebrate a birthday than to accomplish a special act of goodness. Not because one’s advices; but because your own inner soul wants to convey its thanks for being born and alive until today.

Black blue stone

For Blue Monday, I want to share a stone of my husband’s collection. We got the rough stone from a brother who works in a famous mining company. I still don’t know the exact name of the stone. Some friends identify it in different names. Perhaps we should take it to the stone lab. The dark stone has wonderful blue touches.


Sweet Moment

>> Jan 25, 2015

Let me share this moment.
 Bubu (the little one) seemed holding and licking Lili’s head. Lili isn't her real mom. The pic captured last year; now Bubu is not with us anymore.


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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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