How to Improve your Concentration and Productivity
>> May 31, 2012

Make a good plan
Making a good plan is very essential to
stay focused and concentrated. You should create a good plan for even the very
simple of tasks. Many people fail to do this and are not able to succeed in
what they're doing. Your plan should be realistic and achievable. Do not plan
for the impossible because it will lead to failure which will lead to
frustration. Overall, it will affect your concentration and make you less
Take rest
Taking rest is very important to stay
focused. In fact, many studies have indicated that taking rest is necessary for
concentration. You cannot keep working on the same thing hours at a stretch and
at the same time expect to give your maximum output. Preferably, you should
take a small break every hour. This way your mind will be refreshed and you can
stay focused. If you have any hiccups, taking a look at them from a fresh
perspective after a rest break can give you new ways to tackle them.
It is also important that you get
adequate sleep at night. Studies indicate that adequate sleep is very essential
for the brain to function normally. Ensure that you get at least eight hours of
sound sleep every day.
Keep your work environment very neat and clean
This is very important because if your
work environment is not neat and clean, you won't be able to concentrate on
your job fully. You might have observed that larger companies spend a lot of
money on having the best office environments. They don't do this for show but
because it improves the efficiency of their employees. Keep your office clutter
free and professional and you will see increased concentration and
Meditation, yoga and exercise
Your mind will function properly only
when your body gets the right kind of exercise. Exercise on a daily basis. You
can also practice yoga. Meditation is also a good technique for improving your
concentration and staying focused.
Think positively
Last but not the least, always be
positive about life. Everyone has to see failure in life at one time or
another. Failure is a part and parcel of our existence. Do not let a temporary
setback to affect your long-term goals in life. Be positive and you will be
able to concentrate and focus on the job at hand and increase your
About the author:
Aditya Venkatesh is a computer-enthusiast who is fascinated by
computer technology, gadgets and the Internet. He writes frequently on
computers and other topics on He also maintains a website on feng shui. In the past, he worked
as a technical writer at a leading web development company in Hyderabad, India.
His other interests include photography and DIY projects.