Handling Your Child’s Bedwetting
>> Nov 30, 2010

For many children, wetting the bed is a usual and normal part of their life. This natural event begins to become a problem is when your child has already started to get toilet trained or even later in life for some children. Here are some tips if bedwetting seems to be a problem for your child.
Try not to scold your child or make an issue out of bedwetting. There will be no positive result at all. Simply say something like, “Oh dear, I see you’ve wet yourself again,” or something else age appropriate. Encourage older bedwetting children to take an active role in getting over the problem by having them help strip the bed.
Praise a child on dry nights, as is age appropriate. For younger children you may want to make a star chart and reward a week of stars with an extra story at bed time, an extra ten minutes staying up time or some other type of treat or reward for their accomplishment.
Restricting the fluid intake of your child before your child goes to bed can also help out. It doesn’t mean that your child should go to bed thirsty, just refrain from allowing your child to have a drink right before bed time. Waking your child up to use the bathroom before you go to bed is also another appropriate way.
When bedwetting is something that seems to be a regular problem, you should protect your child’s mattress. This can be accomplished by purchasing a rubberized sheet for the mattress or using a shower curtain.
In the event that nightly incontinence is something that has suddenly hit your child, talk to him or her immediately. This is something that you can see as an indication of a larger problem that you may need to be aware of.
Don’t be afraid to talk to a doctor either if this is a sudden change in your child’s behavior. A doctor can help you figure out what exactly is happening and whether it is a medical concern that you should be worried about or not.
Source: family.tips.net & ebeautymag.com