In many parts of the world, Mother’s day will come in the short time. But not here, Indonesian people commemorate Mother’s day in December 22th. That’s why Liz, the host of this lovely meme, arranged all this month’s topics are about us, girls.
I can’t share here how about I’m as a mother, I have no kid yet. I can’t share much about my hubby’s saying me as an aunt either, as they are live far from me. All my siblings’ nieces and nephews live in different town and province. Sometimes I say hello to them via facebook and sometimes I chat with them. In their birthdays, my husband always reminds me to call them.
Nieces and nephews from BILs and SIL are live closer. I more often visit them. It takes about 45 minutes to reach their houses. They live in three houses that are close each other. In every visit, we always bring their favorite cakes.
My hubby said that I’m close with his nieces and nephews, but not that close. He means, I can enjoy play and chat with them, but I’ve never bathed them and I seldom carry our baby nephew. I admit that. In fact, my youngest nephew is a big baby boy, I'm afraid of carrying him; he's too heavy for me.