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Do You Fear of Heights?

>> Dec 29, 2014

Is taking escalator, riding cable car, transparent lift, looking out of the window when the car drives over a bridge, or peering down from the second floor in a mall can make you feel anxious and uncomfortable? You begin to panic, palms began to sweat, and legs felt weak. These are just a few of the signs that you may have a fear of heights. Everyone can experience different symptoms depending on the level of fear sense. Facing this fear every day can make you tired and frustrated. But don’t worry; fear of heights is a psychological problem that can be cured.

Is there a simple way to overcome fear of heights? Based on psychological theory, any kind of phobia including height phobia can be treated by several methods such as hypnotherapy (giving suggestions to the patient to eliminate the fear), the method of extreme exposure treatment (patient is positioned at a height repeatedly until you finally get used), the method of desentisisasi systematic (patients were asked to imagine beautiful things while in height), the method abreaction (patients are invited to imagine constantly about the thrill of being at the height of his imagination and practice), and the reframing method (the patient was taken to the beginning of the emergence of fear and motivated to get out of fear).

The application of the above methods must be done by experts. So, let’s discuss how to overcome fear of heights that you can do by yourself. The support of those closest needed to give you motivation to keep fighting your fear. Based on the experience of a few people who managed to cure the fear of heights, it turns out that the key is not to avoid, but to face and fight the fear with a strong intention.
1.The beginning step to overcome fear of heights is mentally readiness to do so. While some people want to conquer this fear, some are still not yet ready to deal with the physical and emotional obstacles that must be faced. If you are ready to deal with the emotional hurdles and are willing to fight any doubt, then you are ready to begin to overcome the fear of heights.

2. One way to overcome fear of heights is doing an activity that involves the altitude itself:
-You can immediately try activities that you may always avoid before. Try tandem paragliding, bungee jumping, roller coasters and other such games is an option that you can try, but this option is not for everyone. For some, it may seem too extreme to be considered in the early stages. A paragliding instructor said that with paragliding, he has managed to 'cure' quite a lot of people who are afraid of heights. As soon as it hits the ground again after plunge and flew for about fifteen minutes, the fear is much reduced or even disappearing; so just try paragliding tandem.

-For those of you who want to take smaller steps yet gradually, you can start from the bottom and proceed in accordance with the ways and desires. For example, you start with a folding stairs and stand on the top step. Once accustomed, continue to look out from the balcony of a house or look out of the third floor window in a building. Once accustomed to a certain height level, move ahead to a higher position and keep making progress.

-Panic feeling may appear suddenly when your mind is focused only on how high your position at that time. Negative thoughts flowing through your mind and heart starts pounding directly. Rather than just thinking about the height, enjoy the scenery and atmosphere of the environment around, then take a deep breath and tried to relax. If you grab something, still holding it, but remove the strain on your hands little by little. It can help you to calm down and realize that you are fine.

If you have a fear of heights, you are not alone. Be patient with yourself. The fear may not be healed in short time and may take a little longer. Don’t give up, keep trying and making improvement until you can conquer your phobia completely and have it only as memories.


Preserved Critters at Museum

>> Dec 26, 2014

The entrance

'Flying' butterflies
Bogor Zoological Museum is one of the educative destinations in my city located inside Bogor Botanical Gardens. The museum has a collection of animals derived from Indonesia as well as from outside Indonesia. The museum has also a range of rare animals that still remaining and already extinct which have been preserved such as various types of mammals, birds, fish, insects and others. We can see the critters that have been preserved in very close distance, without the risk when dealing with live animals.

 The total number of Bogor Zoological Museum collection is about 1372 samples.  The museum entry fee is already one package with the ticket of Bogor Botanical Gardens, so that the museum doesn’t receive visitors from outside the Bogor Botanical Gardens.
'Big cat'
I captured some critter shots for


How to Prevent and Handle Child Diarrhea

>> Dec 22, 2014

After knowing the dangers of diarrhea in toddlers and some possible causes, parents also need to know how to prevent and treat child diarrhea so that you can prevent and provide proper treatment when diarrhea attack your loved ones.

Here's how to prevent diarrhea in children:
-Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling your child. Likewise with your child, teach her/him to always wash hands before eating and drinking, after defecating, going out and playing.
-Avoid making a big difference when feeding your child. If you want to introduce new foods, do it slowly and gradually so that your child's stomach is not 'surprised'.
-Throw away food that has fallen to the floor. Although the floor looks clean, but there remains the possibility of harmful bacteria lodged in the floor.
-Clean fruits and vegetables before cooking or given to children.
-Cook food thoroughly, especially when you cook meat and eggs. Germs or bacteria on groceries will die when cooked.
-Check first dairy products before given to your child. Some children have lactose –sugar component on milk- intolerance which makes diarrhea.
-Cek drugs consumed by children. Some medications can affect diarrhea.
-Use safe drinking water or cooked the water until boiling.

But what if your child already affected with diarrhea? Following the first treatment  that can be done to care children with diarrhea:

1. Give liquid or drink and eat
Breast milk, soup, fresh fruit juice, coconut water, and water can be given to replace fluids that have been lost when the child poops. For infants with diarrhea, give milk more often than usual.

For children who are not breastfed anymore, as often as possible given the size of the fluid as follows:
-children under two years: a quarter or half a cup size 250 ml
-children over two years: half to one cup size 250 ml

If the child is vomiting, you should wait up to 10 minutes, then start again giving him water to drink it slowly and gradually.

You should give food to a child who has diarrhea. Although your child refuses, make the kid want to eat little but often. The function of feeding during diarrhea is to give extra energy that reduced during diarrhea and that children don’t lose excessive weight. Foods that are recommended are soft food like rice porridge, mung bean porridge, fish or meat that cooked until tender.

2. Give Oral Rehydration Salts.
ORS is a combination of salt with water. Its function is to help the body replacing fluids lost through diarrhea. Children under 2 years of age need a quarter to half a bowl of 125 ml of ORS, give after he has liquid defecation. As for children over 2 years, give half to one cup of ORS.

3. Sugar and salt solution.
Make this solution if ORS is not available. The solution of water with six teaspoons of sugar mixed with half a teaspoon of salt. How to give a sugar and salt solution is as similar as you give ORS.

Diarrhea can harm your child. Remain vigilant and immediately take the child to the hospital for further treatment if the following conditions in your child happen:
-diare lasted more than 12 hours
-eject liquid stools several times in one hour
-the defecation looks reddish or mixed with blood
-often vomiting
-body fever up to more than 39 degrees Celsius
-child feels thirsty but declines when asked to drink fluids or water
-both sunken eyes inward
-body is very weak
-child is often sleepy or doesn’t respond to your call


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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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