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New Year Resolution

>> Dec 30, 2009

This post is a tag that is given by Risma, the owner of lovely blogs : mommy mayonnaise, blog perempuan rumahan and cerita film. Thanks for tagging me, Risma…

Actually, I’ve never make any resolution on every New Year before, or just thinking at a glance about it. So, this is my first time. Well, there is always the first time for everything, right?

Of course, first, I should say that I feel so grateful for everything that I have had in this year. What is my resolution for next year? I realize that I still have to do some self improvements. I still have several bad habits that I should change and I also have to change my bad character, or at least decrease it. I’m a stubborn woman. My hubby has often complained about this, my stubbornness.

I think I’ll write down a list about things that I have to change. It seems that the list will be long enough, hehehe. It doesn’t matter at all, because I want to be a better person. One more thing, I’ll also rewrite my vision book. I wrote down all my wishes there. I hope things that I have wished for and it isn’t achieved this year, it will happen next year. Wish Allah answer my prayers

Dear all, this post is also my last post in this year. See you in 2010; hope all the goodness will always be with us. Happy New Year 2010, everyone


Should Parents Compromise with Their Children?

>> Dec 29, 2009

I’ve written previously a post about what you should do as parents if you make mistakes to your child. It said that as long as you does it in a proper way, no need to hesitate in asking for apologize to your child.

What about compromise then? Some parents still assume that compromise shows their weakness, giving in and it will begin their loosing control to their children. Some parents still prefer to stick to their original demand to handle their children, whereas, compromise means that parents appreciate and understand the thoughts, ideas and feelings of their children.

As I mentioned before,compromise actually is a process of giving and taking. It isn’t shown parents’ weakness at all, but more to an effort to achieve a win–win situation for everyone involved.

Is compromise similar with negotiation? No, it’s different with negotiation. Based on the definition, negotiation expresses the right to say no, to refuse the offer/deal or to walk away. Compromise involves giving and taking. It is assumed from the beginning that there will be an agreement. The only question is what form the agreement will take and who will give way on what.

Compromise involves looking at the separate and common interests of an issue and seeing if there is a way for both sides to get some or most of what they want.

Ok, to give you more clear comprehension, I give you an example of compromise situation here: you need to get the grocery shopping done that morning (nonnegotiable), but you don't mind whether you get it done early or late (area of compromise). Your child has two favorite morning TV programs they want to watch, one early and one late. They want to watch both but there isn't time between them to get the shopping done. The compromise is the fact that you are prepared to time your shopping so your child gets to pick one show to watch, the one they like best. Everyone gets something they want, and your child learns to determine what is really important to them and at the same time learns they can't always get everything they desire. Well, it’s clear enough, right?

I’ll divide this topic in two posts. In the next post of this topic, I’ll mention the difference between compromises with surrender, the proper way for parents to say a compromise and the limit of compromise that parents should know. See you…

Rewrite source: brainy-child.com and google
The picture is taken from theunspoken.co.uk


Funny Parenting Guidance

>> Dec 26, 2009

Please don't take all these pictures so seriously, just think it as humor. I just want to make you smile here...

Source: www.c00lstuff.com


Teach Your Children to Compromise

>> Dec 23, 2009

Compromise actually is a process of giving and taking, a sign of strength not weakness, and an avenue toward a win – win situation for everyone involved. By teaching your children to solve problem among them with compromise, you also train them to learn to discuss and to build their empathy feeling.

If you have child more than one, apply compromise method in your
family earlier. Start it from little things. Ex: when your children struggle each other to have your attention, tell them to ‘draw’ the order; to decide who will be the first, second… The other has to wait, listen and be patient waiting his/her turn.

An expert said that compromise can be taught to children since 4 or 5 years old. In this time period, your child still won’t be understood if you explain the meaning of compromise, negotiation, or diplomacy. So, the appropriate way to teach your child is by applying it in their games.

While your
children are playing, it can be often if then quarrel or ‘conflict’ happens. The cause usually is no one wants to wait his/her turn to play; every child wants to be the first. If between them there is none who wants to give way, as parents, you should involve solving the situation. It’s the right time for you teaching them compromise. You may give alternative solutions, but with your guidance, let your children have the solution together.

I’ll continue this compromise topic in my next post. In my opinion, compromise thing in a family is one of interesting topic to be discussed. You might have your own question, should parents compromise with their child? Well, we’ll discuss it later.

Rewrite source: Tempo and google
The picture is taken from babble.com


Noodles Creation Recipes (1)

>> Dec 21, 2009

It’s my first time to share a food recipe here. There are several requests of sending the recipes that I’ve showed the pictures before, so, I think it might be better to post the recipe one by one…

Toast Bread Filled with Fried Noodles

  1. One pack of instant fried noodles.
  2. Four slices of wheat (or just regular white) bread.
  3. One piece of medium length sausage (beef or chicken, according to taste), boiled and sliced small dize.
  4. Cheese (at sufficiently), cut it into short stick or whatever size that you want.

How to make :
  1. First, cook instant fried noodles as the instruction on the packaging, mixing well with the available spice, set aside.
  2. Fill bread with enough amounts of fried noodles. Add the sausage and cheese on top.
  3. Bake the bread in sandwich toaster (could also with teflon pans or other baking equipment) until the bread a little dry.
  4. Bread is ready to serve (one pack of instant fried noodles is enough to make two pairs of bread). For those who like spicy, it can be served with chili / tomato sauce.
It’s an easy one, right? This food is very delicious to eat while warm, perfect for breakfast. It’s very practical because it can be enjoyed on the way to the place of your daily activities or for your child’s meal at school.

Versi Indonesia

Panggang Roti Isi Mie Goreng - Parodi

  1. 1 bungkus mie goreng instan
  2. 4 lembar (2 tangkep) roti tawar gandum/biasa
  3. 1 buah sosis (sapi atau ayam, sesuai selera) ukuran sedang, rebus dan iris dadu kecil
  4. keju secukupnya, potong stik atau sesuai selera
Cara membuat:
  1. Masak terlebih dahulu mie goreng instan seperti yang terdapat pada kemasan, aduk rata dengan bumbu yang ada, sisihkan.
  2. Isi roti dengan mie goreng. Tambahkan sosis dan keju di atasnya.
  3. Panggang roti dengan alat pemanggang roti (bisa juga dengan wajan teflon atau alat panggang lainnya) hingga roti agak mengering.
  4. Roti siap disajikan (satu bungkus mie goreng cukup untuk membuat dua tangkep roti). Agar menjadi lebih sedap, bagi yang menyukai pedas, sajikan PARODI dengan sambal / saos tomat.
Selamat mencoba...


A Husband’s Confusion

To start the week, today I post my favorite comic, For Better or Worse by Lynn Johnston.

I post this comic to all husbands that always confuse in choosing what kind of present they will give to their beloved wife in any occasion like celebrating feast day, birthday or wedding anniversary. The lesson is: if you confuse, don’t make the decision by yourself, discuss it first with someone that you can trust. Maybe they will give you better ideas. Hahaha…


Disclosure Policy

>> Dec 19, 2009

This policy is valid from 11 December 2009. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact linalg4@gmail.com. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest. To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org


My Husband’s Food Creation

Hi, have a nice weekend to all of you…

Today post is about one of my hubby’s hobbies. My
hubby loves to cook. He’s good at the kitchen. Whenever he has spare times, he makes his favorite dish or experiment on making a new creation. Being compared with him, my cooking ability is just average; I’m a typical woman who has just cooked after becoming someone’s wife, hehehe. Before marriage, cooking isn’t one of my hobbies…

Though my husband is good at cooking things, every day meal is still my responsible. Thank God, he has never protested my home cooking; and moreover, I can learn a lot about cooking from him.

In this post, I’ll share some pictures of his noodle food creations. We have these pictures because we’ve ever joined them to a cooking contest several months ago. Yes, we don’t win the contest (though I wonder why, hahaha); but I think the food’s performance are good enough to share here. I don’t translate in detail each food’s name and I don’t mention the recipes; but if you are interested to know the recipe, please let me know, I’ll send it to you…

  • Mi Goreng Ceker - Fried Noodle with Crispy Fried Chicken Skin Legs.

  • Mi Kuah Wortel - Gravy Carrot Noodle. Look at the orange gravy, it's a smooth blended carrot...

  • Parodi (Panggang Roti Isi Mie) - Toast Wheat Bread with Fried Noodle inside.

  • Mie Goreng Torang (Tauco Jamur Merang) - Fried Noodle with Tauco Sauce and Mushroom.


Couple’s Corner: Shopping Experience

>> Dec 16, 2009

I’m not a spontaneous buyer; I use to write a shopping list or at least make a plan in my mind before leaving home to go shopping. This habit doesn’t change much after I’ve become a wife. Before marriage, I really enjoy shopping alone at malls, or wandering around a mall to do window shopping… I love spend hours at a big book store for free reading the latest books. Just seeing displayed good stuffs can be so refreshing for me!

After marriage; there’s no more shopping alone at malls, my hubby
forbid me doing it. For buying daily household needs, I use to buy it at nearby stores. We only go to the mall to buy needed stuff that it isn’t available at little stores. We seldom buy things to fill our wardrobe, twice a year shopping for clothes is quite enough for us. Of course as a woman, I like wearing good clothes; but I’m not a fashionista who always wants to catch up the latest trend or every big sales. I’ve my own style. I’m also not crazy in branded things, it’s only because we still can’t afford it, hehehe.

My hubby like to shop in a flea market, he’s good in bargaining (not like me). We go to a flea market almost every week to buy fresh foods. When we’re at a flea market, I use to only follow him here and there; he’s totally in charge.

We avoid credit card, we always pay in cash or using our debit cards. I think it’s the safest way because we won’t get trapped in debt. Living debt free is so enjoyable, right?

hubby is more spontaneous than me in buying things. Our finance condition is tight now, so, I have to accompany him often to remind him whether he needs or just wants the stuff. We should think twice before paying expensive things…

Well, it’s a brief story of mine, how about you? If you want to know other
couple’s shopping experience, just click the badge above!


Don’t Be Late to Maximize Potency of Your Child’s Brain

>> Dec 15, 2009

I think most of parents have already known that the first four years age of a child is golden age times. Why? Child’s intelligence ability will develop fast as much as 50% in the first four years; 30% for 4-8 years old children and only 20% for 8-18 years old. So, based on this fact, the best times for parents’ role to maximize potency of their children’ brain is the first four years...

For several parents, giving lessons to under five years old
children is still taboo. They assumed that children are still plain; and it’s better to let them grow and develop by themselves. What a pity; because of their unawareness, these parents don’t make the best use of golden age of their children. The neglect of golden age times will result in children’ learning difficulty, especially at their primary school times.

Center of children’ growth and development is the brain. What can you do as parents to maximize the use of your child’s golden age times?

Give proper nutrient since early age.
There is much nutrient needed for brain development: protein and amino acid, AA-DHA, gangliosida, kolin, and micro nutrient (iron, zinc, iodium, folat, vitamin A). This entire important nutrient is available completely in breast milk. That’s why breastfeeding your baby is very important! To know more about giving proper meals for children, it’s better if you consult to a nutritionist.

Give enjoyable stimulation to train your child’s brain.If you noticed, there are several methods to maximize potency of child’s brain (floor times, Glenn Doman, biolearning, etc). In this post, I’ll mention a little about floor time method.

Floor time is a recently developed brain stimulation method. The aims of floor time method are: to develop child’s potency, to enhance emotional closeness between parents and child, to train communication and thinking ability; and to increase child’s self confidence. In short, you can say that floor time is a playing and interactive tool, as long as 20-30 minutes, between parents and child. To interact and play can be repeated several times per day.

Several points in floor time method that parents should understand are:
  • Parents and child play interactively every day for about 30 minutes.
  • Focus completely in your child’s wants. Turn off TV and radio.
  • Follow your child’s idea; initiate comes from your child.
  • Let your child to decide what she/he wants to play/tell and how to do it (of course, the game depends on your child’s age).
  • Don’t take over to lead the game, parents should play actively as your child wants and be her/his friend. You should build interactive communication here!
  • Stimulate your child to response spontaneously; it aims to increase your child’s creativity! Try to be a connector of his/her toys. Ex: when you’re playing a frog puppet; imitate and speak like a frog.
  • In floor time method, avoid playing game boards, because the purpose is to interact creatively and spontaneously. Game boards tend to build structured interaction, not creatively.
Well parents, whatever brain stimulation method that you choose, the most important is: don’t be late to do it!

Rewrite source: Kompas and google
The picture is taken from help-your-child-with-anger.com


Child Can Look and Act So Funny

>> Dec 12, 2009

Another funny post from me. I don't want to make you serious at the weekend. Have a wonderful weekend, every one....
Catch up the latest news... It looks funny; but I think it's an image; look at the big hands. Am I right?
Source: laughitout.com

Dear baby, you looks so cute (the dog, too), but you need to loose your weight soon...
Source : people.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper

Potty training???
Source: funnypicturefunnyphoto.com

Which one do you like best?


Couple’s Corner: Jealousy

>> Dec 9, 2009

This post is this Wednesday’s Couple's Corner. We can learn by sharing and reading other’s experience, right? Happy reading…

Jealousy is one of our differences. I’m not a jealous person, but my
hubby can be jealous easily. Thank God, his jealousy isn’t the blind one. I really understand that his jealousy shows how much his affection to me. I’ve never assumed it as a negative thing.
But I became confused when he asked,” Why you’ve never been jealous?” Yeah, why I’ve never been jealous to him? I think it’s only my personality; because I also love and don’t want to loose my hubby. I can feel his strong love; I believe in him 100% that he’ll always keep this trust. I think it’s the answer why I’ve never been yet jealous to him…

I know that he checks my hand phone and my face book account regularly; and it isn’t a problem at all, because I’ve never hidden anything or done ‘
stupid’ things behind his back. I know that he also believes me 100%. He said,” I believe in you; I just want to protect you from others that may annoy and tempt you”.

So, actually, until now, I can enjoy his jealousy; even though he forbids me going
shopping at the mall by myself. He always says,” I don’t like you’re leaving alone; I’m afraid someone will annoy you there. Let me accompany you”. Because now he’s very busy at the restaurant, I seldom go to the mall; just shopping at nearby little stores or factory outlets.

I realize that the aim of his jealousy is to protect me. Having written this jealousy thing makes me want to hear again the song “Jealousy” (Freddy Mercury –Queen). But the lyrics don’t describe us at all, just like the melody; because I love my hubby’s jealousy, he’s my truly body guard, ha ha ha….


Poisoned Relationship (3)

>> Dec 8, 2009

It’s the last post of poisoned relationship topic.

Third condition: “I want to rule you
It’s a message that stated by a person that categorized as a ‘bossy’. Different with the ‘difficult’ person, the ‘bossy’ person used to take over all responsibilities. If this person is in your team work; she/he will ask opinion to every team member; and then suddenly she/he steps forward and admits these opinions as her/his own opinion.

It is unpleasant situation for the victims who have original opinions/ideas. But, this ‘bossy’ person is so clever to manipulate others, so, the victims can’t be protest. This person usually has the ability to influence others; therefore, she/he often becomes a leader.

The ‘bossy’ persons don’t realize that what they do make others stressful. With their charm and cleverness, they continuously pull their manipulated victims to facilitate them in achieving their own wants. They can make others look bad or ‘stupid’; and she/he is the best.
How to face the ‘bossy’ person?
  • If she/he involve in the same team work; don’t answer the questions. If the ‘bossy’ is your superior, seek a way to keep your idea safe with you.

  • Don’t pay attention if she/he tells about rumor or someone’s badness.

  • Speak out your objection straightly. Convince yourself that you’ve done the right thing.

  • If your objection doesn’t have enough attention, and her/his behavior burdens you continuously; do the detox. Stop seeing her/him or take a distance. If the bossy person is your parents or your spouse; find a reason to stay away for awhile. You need a rest!
Rewrite source: Nirmala magazine and google

The picture is taken from open.salon.com


Couple's Corner : Kiss and Make Up / Reconcile

>> Dec 4, 2009

It's my first Couple's Corner. In Couple's Corner, we're sharing our stories about things that may happen in a married couple's life. Happy reading...
If many couples have lots of similarities, we don’t. My hubby and I have many differences in habits and characters; and we’ve truly known it. Before we decided to unite in a marriage, we’ve already realized that our differences can become the cause of the misunderstandings in our future relationship.

Therefore, we made commitments to prepare at first our own kiss and make up ways from every miscommunication / conflict / misunderstanding that possibly happen. Here are our ways:

  • We have our reconcilement signs. If we’re in the middle of a misunderstanding and one of us is pointing forward the bended little finger, the other isn’t allowed to reject the reconcilement invitation. This funny way can always break the ice; and it becomes a good start to communicate heart by heart.
  • Before going to bed every night, we have a habit to
forgive one another to start a brand new day tomorrow. During our seven years marriage life, because of our big differences, we’ve experienced misunderstandings several times; but all are little ones that can be solved in a short time. We’ve never keeping quiet for days; because we must ask for apologize every night! So, this way really works for us…
Do you want to know more stories about Couple’s Corner: Kiss & Make Up? Visit Rodliz's Nest of Couple's Corner by clicking on the badge above.


Poisoned Relationship (2)

In the first post of this poisoned relationship topic, I’ve mentioned the first condition that can happen in an unhealthy relationship. Today I’ll step forward to the second condition. Remember again the big point: Stop Being a Victim! You must take the right step to get out of a poisoned relationship.

Second condition: “You all must be responsible for my happiness
It’s a message that stated by a person that categorized as a ‘complainer’. Though it doesn’t straightly stated, this negative thinker often blames others; but rejecting to be responsible and do the self-change. They tend to generalize all cases as negative things.

Consorting with the complainer is so tiring; they suck your positive energy! Little problems can become big ones that he/she feels need to be complained. You, who listen to all complaints will feel ought to make this person happy, as the time goes by, every
time you hear the complaint, you will feel the increasing burden that you must receive.

The complainer may look weak, but like the intimidator at the first condition, this person has the power to manipulate other’s feeling. They use ‘their weakness’ to force others to do what they want and need.

How to face the complainer? Here is the practical guidance for you:
  • If the complainer always annoys you; stop being a victim by ignoring all complaints. Tell the complainer that the problem will be solved if he/she has a will to change.
  • Tell the complainer that happiness doesn’t depend on anybody. To be happy or not is her/his own choice.

    Even though you feel sorry for him/her, ignore the complainer for awhile. Praise him/her if the complainer has tried to fix the condition by his/her own effort.
  • Rewrite source:Nirmala magazine and google
    The picture is taken from positivesharing.com


    A Perfect Toy Box for Your Whole Family!

    Dear, you all, holiday season is coming soon… Are you still looking for a perfect place to find things as gifts for your loved ones? It’s for your loved ones, so, you want to find something unique, innovative and special, right? Unique things will become impressive gifts; and your loved ones that receive it will feel so special. It’s a sweet way to show your affection, right?

    Unique and innovative things surely are in a unique place, too. I invite you to visit the unique place: Lou Lou’s Corner! Located in Hickory, North Carolina, the store will amaze you with their outstanding things that designed for your whole family.
    Do you live across the country? Don’t worry; you still can have fun shopping online experience with Lou Lou’s Corner. They have the perfect gifts for everyone, so, you’ll find what you are looking for: toys, gadgets, clothing, gifts and many favorite brands that you’ll love. My three favorite brands of Lou Lou’s Corner are jellycat, barefoot dreams and appaman.

    Your younger child will love adorable and fun soft toys of Jellycat collection! I myself love their Barefoot Dreams Cozychic Collection; they give you soft and cozy feeling when you’re wearing it. And your children will look cute with cool and fun Appaman T-shirts.
    One more thing, they also offer gift wrapping service and signature gift service for their customers. Well, there’s no doubt again, with the help of Lou Lou’s Corner, your gifts will be the perfect ones! Lou Lou’s Corner is surely a perfect toy box for your whole family.


    Saving Money on Buying Baby Diapers and Training Pants

    >> Dec 3, 2009

    Having a baby is the most wonderful gift from God; but it can take lots of money to care a baby. New born baby basic needs including these three kinds: clothing and layette, diapers and bath items, bedding and feeding needs.

    For parents,
    baby diapers and training pants are large expenses; and the cost can still increase continuously. Before the baby has ready for potty training, most parents use disposable diapers. Disposable diapers are probably the easiest diapering method; that’s why it’s most popular parents’ choice. There is no washing or storing of used diapers and they are available in many stores.

    Like mentioned before, the problem in using disposable diapers are its high cost. Assuming that the average baby will use 8 disposable diapers per day for around 2.5 years, that's more than 7,000 disposable diapers used before your baby potty trains. Wow, imagine how much the total cost!

    Don’t worry parents; I have a proper solution here. It’s the smart buying that you can do: buy baby diapers and training pants online at Sam’s Club! You can get it at far less prices; and moreover, you can save lots of money by buying it in bulk. They provide the top brands of disposable diapers and training pants like
    Huggies and Pampers in a wide range of sizes and styles. They also deliver it to your home directly. Buying baby and infant needs at Sam’s Club will give you lots of benefit!


    Dunstan Baby Language : does It Work for Your Baby?

    Until now I’m still curious with Dunstan Baby Language. There’s a controversy over it, so, I want to prove it with my own baby. But since I still haven’t one, I just keep my curiosity. I knew Dunstan Baby Language for the first time in Oprah Winfrey Show several years ago; at that time Priscilla Dunstan stated her hypothesis. I remembered that she made a demonstration to some babies; and her system seemed working successfully. Everyone there were astonished, including Oprah (and me).

    Dunstan Baby Language products were sold well at that time. But then, it turned out that there were many complaints refered to Dunstan system. Many parents mentioned that Dunstan Baby Language didn’t work to their babies. Why was it still called hypothesis? Because Dunstan Baby Language hasn’t been scientifically validated (until now?).

    For you that has forgotten with or still hasn’t yet known this Dunstan hypothesis, I’ll mention here a brief of it that I quote from wikipedia.

    Dunstan's claims
    Between 0-3 months, infants make what Dunstan calls sound reflexes. According to Dunstan, the five universal words (or sound reflexes) used by infants are:

    1. Neh
    I'm hungry
    - An infant uses the sound reflex "Neh" to communicate its hunger. The sound is produced when the sucking reflex is triggered, and the tongue is pushed up on the roof of the mouth.

    2. Owh
    I'm sleepy -
    An infant uses the sound reflex "Owh" to communicate that they are tired. The sound is produced much like an audible yawn.

    3. Heh
    I'm experiencing discomfort
    - An infant uses the sound reflex "Heh" to communicate stress, discomfort, or perhaps that it needs a fresh diaper. The sound is produced by a response to a skin reflex, such as feeling sweat or itchiness in the bum.

    4. Eairh
    I have lower gas
    - An infant uses the sound reflex "Eairh" to communicate they have flatulence or an upset stomach. The sound is produced when trapped air from a belch that is unable to release and travels to the stomach where the muscles of the intestine tighten to force the air bubble out. Often, this sound will indicate that a bowel movement is in progress, and the infant will bend its knees, bringing the legs toward the torso. This leg movement assists in the ongoing process.

    5. Eh
    I have gas
    - An infant uses the sound reflex "Eh" to communicate that it needs to be burped. The sound is produced when a large bubble of trapped air is caught in the chest, and the reflex is trying to release this out of the mouth.

    It’s a natural way for every baby to express their physical needs. These are the baby’s first communications, which occur before actual crying develops. Ex : the sooner the ‘word’ for hunger is identified, the sooner a parent can respond by feeding. It’s resulting in less crying and less discomfort for the baby and the parents…

    If you’re still interested, I share the download link of Dunstan Baby Language DVD.
    The Dunstan System will teach you how to tune your ear to the 5 ‘words’. You will also view Priscilla Dunstan in a ‘live lesson’. 

    To everyone that has ever experienced with Dunstan System; I hope you can help me to answer my question, “Does Dunstan Baby Language Work for Your Baby?”


    Child Can be Funny!

    >> Dec 2, 2009

    Another short and light post here. I hope you can enjoy reading it; with a little smile, maybe?

    This is my true story. Hana, my nephew, is a smart young girl. She’s at her second year at primary school now. She likes playing riddle. It happened when I and my hubby visited her house two weeks ago.
    “Auntie, what’s the similarity between Pangeran Diponegoro and Jendral Sudirman?”
    Because both are Indonesia’s national patriots, I said,
    “Hana, the same thing with both of them is they are our national patriots…”
    “No, it’s wrong answer”
    After several other wrong answers, I gave up.
    And then she said calmly,” The right answer is, they are both don’t have facebook accounts, Auntie…”
    I was surprised by her answer. Child nowadays…
    My daughter, Shaqira, has just been 2.5 years old when I introduced her to children games at computer. At that time, I was downloading a new game from internet.
    “Mom, why hasn’t yet the game come out? Why is it so long?”
    “Be patient, dear. It’s still loading…” I said that while pointing my finger at loading sign at computer.
    Not long after that, Shaqira asked me to lead her to the toilet because she wanted to loosen the bowels.
    She sat down at the closet and I stood beside her.
    After several minutes passed away; she’s still quiet.
    I asked, “Shaq, why hasn’t yet it come out?”
    “Be patient, Mom. It’s still loading…”
    -Wanda Wardaniah, Reader’s Digest-
    The picture is taken from blog.beboxx.com


    The Priceless Time

    >> Dec 1, 2009

    I read these good thoughts for the first time in one post of Emie's blog. She said that the author is unknown. I’m really impressed with the thoughts, so, I want to share the quotation and translate it into Indonesian. Please read it with your heart…

    To realize the value of freedom: Ask a soldier or someone that has spent in prison.Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya kebebasan : tanyakanlah pada seorang pejuang atau seseorang yang pernah menjalani hari-hari di penjara.

    To realize the value of being healthy: Ask someone who has over time has abused their body by overeating, smoking or drinking.Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya kesehatan : tanyakanlah pada seseorang yang telah berlebihan menganiaya dirinya dengan berlebihan makan, merokok dan minum minuman keras.

    To realize the value of a sister/brother: Ask someone who doesn't have one.Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya mempunyai saudara perempuan/laki-laki: tanyakanlah pada seseorang yang tidak punya saudara sama sekali.

    To realize the value of ten years: Ask a newly divorced
    couple.Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu sepuluh tahun: tanyakanlah pada pasangan yang baru saja bercerai.

    To realize the value of four years: Ask a graduate.

    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu empat tahun: tanyakanlah pada seseorang yang baru lulus menjadi sarjana.

    To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu satu tahun: tanyakanlah pada seseorang yang gagal pada ujian akhirnya.

    To realize the value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu sembilan bulan: tanyakanlah pada seorang ibu yang baru saja melahirkan
    To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu satu bulan: tanyakanlah pada seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan bayi prematur.

    To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu satu minggu: tanyakanlah pada seorang editor surat kabar mingguan.

    To realize the value of one minute: Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu satu menit: tanyakanlah pada seseorang yang baru ketinggalan kereta, bis atau pesawat terbang.

    To realize the value of one-second: Ask a
    person who has survived an accident.
    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya waktu satu detik: tanyakanlah pada seseorang yang baru saja selamat dalam sebuah kecelakaan.

    To realize the value of a friend or
    family member: LOSE ONE.
    Untuk menyadari betapa berharganya memiliki seorang teman atau anggota keluarga : rasakanlah pada saat kehilangannya!
    The picture is taken from istockphoto.com


    Poisoned Relationship (1)

    >> Nov 30, 2009

    During our daily life we met many people with various characters. We don’t want this, but relationship with friends, relatives, neighbors, even spouse can become the poison in your life. How it could be that bad? It’s a common thing if we face a problem in communicating and consorting with others. But imagine if in this relationship: you are continuously being manipulated, being the angry target, and also being insulted without any rational reasons. Are you willing be treated like these forever?

    Avoiding others that have done many bad things to you isn’t an easy thing to do, especially if the person is very close, such as your spouse or your parents. Of course, it’s a big dilemma, but you must stop yourself from being victim. Yes, the big point here is: Stop Being a Victim! You must take the right step to get out of the poisoned relationship.

    I’ll describe this topic in three posts. Each post will describe different condition that can happen in an unhealthy relationship. Read it carefully; and then answer the question: do you experience this?

    First condition: “You will regret if you don’t agree with it”.
    It’s a message that stated by a person that categorized as a ‘difficult person’. Her/his response is usually unpredictable. This person can be immediately angry or underestimate you. At other time, he/she assumes you don’t exist. It aims to confuse your feelings; so that you are forced to follow her/his wish.

    This person will force you to do everything he/she wants, in other words; he/she likes to intimidate or manipulate you. There are two types of these difficult persons: aggressive (full with explosive anger) and unagressive (full of persuasion). Both can give you big troubles!

    Again, having related to ‘difficult person’ can become more complex situation if the difficult person is your closest such as your own spouse. You want to defend yourself but you are reluctant to argue. As the time goes by, you will react naturally. Because you can’t bear with his behavior anymore and also can’t state arguments, your reaction will be angry and angrier.

    Angry is a normal shown reaction if someone feels frustrated or being attacked. The anger can make you feels stronger and shows that you aren’t a victim. Unfortunately, you need lots of energy to be angry. Let’s try another more proper way that is less energy and less time. Just focus on the feeling that you reject all intimidating threats.

    Here are tips how to relate with the difficult person (it could be your employer, friend, or even your own spouse):
    • If you’ve been attacked irrationally, you should ask what have made her/him angry. It indicates that you want to communicate, not to quarrel.

    • If you’ve been insulted and underestimated, ask what the reason is. If you’ve truly have done mistakes, admit it. Remember to convince yourself that you still have dignity and confidence.

    • Give positive feedback. You may say,” I understand that you feel angry now”. It refers your will to understand his/her frustration without any blaming or self defencing.

    • No need to be cared about. Let the person angry, but don’t allow it influent you. You should do this if the difficult person is your parents. Keep doing good things to your mother/father. Speak out if you feel the time is right.

    • If the difficult person doesn’t have a strong emotional connection with you, but he/she keeps doing unpleasant things, do the detox immediately. Assume the person as dangerous poison and make her/him out of your life for good. Don’t see him/her anymore!

    • If the difficult person is your spouse: it would be better if you try to ask for another help, especially in case you already feel very hard to communicate well with your spouse. The person that you ask for help must be respected by your spouse, such as parents, a psychologist, a marriage consultant, a virtuous figure, etc. Let them help you and see what will happen then. Don’t make a hurried decision here, if the situation still can be fixed, do fix it! Be more patient; struggle for your marriage commitment!
      Set your own defended ability limit. If the situation is becoming beyond your ability limit to survive, you will know what you should do. Pursue your happiness!
    Rewrite source: Nirmala magazine and google
    The picture is taken from ufocon.blogspot.com


    A Cute Tag (2)

    >> Nov 24, 2009

    Several days ago Kathy has sent me this cute tag. As usual, I’ve to answer some personal questions. Well, I share my answers here. Happy reading…

    Do you think you're hot?
    I don’t think so. I’m a rather shy woman. Do I have to ask this question to my hubby? (hehehe)

    Please Upload Your Favorite Picture:

    Why do you love this picture?This picture shown my wedding agreement times, the most sacred time in my life.

    When was the last time you ate pizza?Two weeks ago, when my big brother and his family came from the other town. We went to a restaurant and ate pizzas there.

    What was the latest song you've heard?Fragile by Sting. I love this song…

    What are you doing while working on this game?Listening news on television. I can do it both.

    What is your favorite nickname?Just call me Lina. My hubby calls me Neng Lina (Neng is a calling name for a Sundanese woman).

    What kind of person are you?I am a rather sensitive and stubborn, honest, caring and loyal person.

    What is your favorite song?I have lots of favorite songs.

    What is your favorite food?I like chicken noodle and almost all Indonesian traditional food, especially Sundanese ones.

    What is the most stressful thing to you?When people I love is sick…

    Mention the 3 must haves in your purse...
    Keys, wallet, cosmetic bag. I put celluler phone in my pants’ pocket. I can’t hear it if I put it in my purse.

    What is your favorite color/s?I love all soft colors.

    What is your not fulfilled dream yet?To have my own
    baby. It’s still my biggest hope and I’m still doing therapies…

    What is your favorite city to stay?I love the Bogor city where I live now. But I’ve a dream to live at a city in Turkey country.


    Protect Your Children from Cyber Bullying

    >> Nov 20, 2009

    Have you heard this term ‘Cyber bullying’ before? I want to share a little about it here because I think, as parents; we should protect our children from anything that can harm them, whatever it is. Parents should know more about cyber bullying!

    What is cyber bullying?Cyber bullying is when a child (preteen or teen) is threatened, humiliated, or otherwise targeted by another child (preteen or teen) using the internet and digital technologies. To embarrass others, cyber bullies can use various means such as text messaging, telephone calls, email, instant messaging services, social networking websites and web pages. Once adults get involved, it isn’t cyber bullying anymore, but it becomes cyber-harassment or cyber stalking.

    There are two kinds of cyber bullying: direct attacks (messages sent to your child directly) and cyber bullying by proxy (using others to help cyber bully the victim, either with or without the accomplice's knowledge). Because cyber bullying by proxy often gets adults involved in the harassment, it is much more dangerous.

    How to know that your child is a victim of cyber bullying?Your child may be too afraid or too confused to tell you the real condition, so, these signs can be your guidance to find out more information. If your child accesses internet regularly, you need to watch out for these recently appearing signs:

    • having an instant behavioral change
    • having temperamental and changeable moods
    • being easily nervous
    • becoming withdrawn from others and uninterested in something that your child likes before
    • showing lack of self confidence
    What parents should do to protect children?
    • To online activities protection, as I mentioned in my previous Family-Safe Internet posts, you should install Internet Content Filter Software to the computer at your home. These softwares will block and filter internet contents that contain bad information for children such as pornography, violence, harsh and dirty words, drugs, crime, dating, escort and chatting services, etc. Using specific browser for kids and teens is also a great help!

    • Be a cyber parents who have enough knowledge about cyber things (jangan jadi orang tua gaptek yang tidak paham internet, komputer dan telepon seluler sama sekali ya). Inform your child that you can be the place for getting assistance.

    • Build your emotional closeness with your child. You should be the most trusted place that your child can go when somethings go wrong online and offline. Tell your child to inform you soon as she/he feels threatened or humiliated online and offline.
    If your child is truly being cyber bullied, what parents should do?Be patient, I’ll mention it in my next post…

    Rewrite source: http://www.allmothers.net/ and google
    The pictures is taken from uberreview.com and mediabistro.com


    Earn Financially Gain with Gold Investment!

    >> Nov 17, 2009

    Gold is not only popular as jewelry that women love; of all the precious metals, gold is also the most popular as an investment. There are many people choose gold investment because gold is often seen as a hedge against inflation and economic downturn.

    Have you interested in gold investment already? As an investor, of course, you want to earn financially gain. That is why you should do it in a proper way. Investors buy gold because they believe that gold prices will continue to rise, and as I mentioned above, investors also buy gold as a hedge against any crises. Well, gold prices can fall and also rise, so, you must learn to make a best and precise analysis.

    People used to buy gold coin as a popular way to holding gold. The best thing is, now you can buy certified gold coin and buy gold bullion online. The defining attribute of bullion is that it is valued by its weight and purity rather than by a face value as money.

    Are you attracted to buy bullion as your gold investment? Aurum Advisors is the right place for you to purchase gold bullion. Aurum Advisors is so recommended by other investors because they have unmatched track record and they are so trustworthy. They can provide gold in most dependable and affordable way to you, wherever you are in worldwide…

    So, why don’t you start and try it for yourself: visit the Corporate Headquarters of Aurum Advisors at 1801 Century Park East, 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067. You can also call 1- 800-940-7793 to get more information on having golden experience.


    Be Careful on Labeling Your Child

    Dear parents, you may have a child that is always disobedient and do many irritating things, included involve in fights at school or your neighborhood. Your child’s behavior often makes you dizzy and it happens almost everyday; therefore, you assume him/her as a naughty or a bad child. Please, be careful on doing this; especially giving your child negative labeling such as a lazy kid, a naughty kid, a disobedient kid, a stupid kid, etc.

    Labeling is a stamp that can have positive or negative characteristic. Whether positive or negative labeling, both can affect children behavior, because children have sensitive feeling, especially children in primary school age. In daily life, there are still many parents that give negative label, such as ‘naughty kid’ to their children.

    Why there are children with ‘irritating’ behavior? An expert said it can be caused by only high children curiosity or as an effort to gain more attention, whether from parents at home or teachers at school. Do you have any other ideas?

    A child that basically is obedient can become being hard to be controlled, if the child is already labeled as a naughty kid by parents and people in neighborhood. This attitude appears because she/he feels not appreciated or trusted

    Negative label can also make your child feels worthless, that’s why parents should be more careful! Moreover, the child accept negative label in perforce and the neighborhood treat the child as a naughty one. This situation can make the child feels the same way as assumed by other people, tough the truth is she/he isn’t like that. What a poor child!

    The worst thing is, if the negative label has already attached; conscious or unconsciously, the child will act as a naughty one in his/her daily life. The negative label can strongly attach to a child if she/he receives it from parents, teachers and people in the neighborhood.

    If your child has irritating behavior, don’t judge him/her by negative labeling, as parents, you should introspect yourself first to know the possible causes and then accompany your child and pay more attention to find the proper solution. You should build the emotionally closeness with your child, it can help you to know what your child exactly wants and needs. Learn to be a good and wise listener to your child…

    If you’ve already given your child a negative label, do hurry fix it! Don’t be ashamed to admit your
    mistake and ask for apologize to your child. After this ‘reconciliation’, you and your child can take proper following steps to build your closeness again.Rewrite source:Tempo and google


    About This Blog and Me!

    Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
    This blog contains articles in family topic.
    Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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