CC: Have I Told You Lately that, I Love You?
>> Jan 29, 2010
This week’s Couple’s Corner related to my last post, Romance in a Marriage. In my opinion, saying “I love you” sincerely is also a good way to express affection and appreciation to your partner. As I wrote before, husbands and wives should realize that each couple has basic need to be loved and to get attention. Only material needs aren’t enough.
My hubby is an expressive person, he always says “I love you so much” or “I mad about you” or “Do you know that I adore you so much” several times every day. Silly me, sometimes I’m too lazy to answer it back, “I love you, too” or likewise. I just make a sound,”Hmmm, thank you” or just nodding my head. Have I done a mistake here? Being compared with my hubby’s habit, I more seldom to convey my affection with words “I love you”. I most like hugging him.
Since this CC is about saying “I Love You” with deep feelings, well, I can say here precisely that it just happened at Jan 26th, a few days ago. How come? Because it was my birthday, hehehe. I didn’t cry; but I was so touched and I felt so appreciated. Dear hubby, thanks for your love, wish our love get stronger every day…
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