Teachergive Sale 2023

Teachergive Sale 2023

A Kitty and Husband’s Hand

>> Feb 28, 2015

After the locked up incident and I rescued him from the next door neighbor’s rain gutter, my relationship with Koneng is much closer. Now he loves to sleep on my lap and often sleep on our bed.  The kitty might think that I'm his hero :)

My husband isn’t a big cat lover, but he allowed Koneng cuddled his hand :) 
I have cute shots for Camera Critters  and
Saturday's Critters. Sorry for less bright shots. I didn't use flashlight.


The Movement of Five Millions Biopori Holes


Have you ever heard the biopori word before? Biopori are small holes in the ground that useful for storing water. So when it rains, the water will be easily absorbed into the soil that has many biopori holes. During the dry season, the land around our home wouldn’t be drought because they have enough water reserves.

Lots of things that can be done to prevent flooding, one of them is by making biopori holes as much as possible. My city –Bogor-  is often referred to as the floods sender to Jakarta; that’s why it’s becoming one motivation of the Five Millions Biopori Holes. The City Government is targeting 5 million biopori holes in the next two years. Actually, this movement has been started since last year, but only reached 200 thousand holes. Now it will be followed by all elements of society, hopefully this target can be achieved.

Are you interested in making biopores in your home yard? Prior to participating in this movement, you need to know biopori more. The ones which make biopori holes in the ground naturally are soil worms and friends. We can help worms to make more holes in the yard by giving them food so they will form biopori  holes as we expected. The food is organic waste such as used vegetable, food scraps, leftover fruits, results cut grass, or dried leaves.

Find out how to make a biopori hole :
1. Make a hole using a 10 cm-diameter biopori drill with deep approximately 100 cm. If the drill tool has hit the rocks that difficult to penetrate, the drilling should be stopped even if it only 50 cm.
2. The hole mouth can be reinforced with cement thickness of 2 cm and 2-3 cm wide.
3. Can also be added PVC pipe diameter 10 cm with 10-15 cm long. PVC is used to prevent the collapse of the hole.
4. Fill organic waste from kitchen waste, leaves or grass into the hole.
5. If the yard where you make the hole frequented by people, cover the hole with wire or netting. But don’t shut it all, let air goes into the hole.

Organic waste which put into the hole will turn into compost. Thus, the hole that we created it also serves as a composting plant. This compost can be harvested from the hole every 3 months. Do not forget after harvest the compost; you must re-put the new organic waste into the hole to feed the microbes in the soil.

Thus, a small hole with 10 cm wide that we created turns out offering a lot of benefits: to save water, prevent flooding, also make compost. Let's help conserving environment water by making  biopori infiltration holes!


Salted Eggs

>> Feb 24, 2015

Salted egg is a general term for egg-based dishes which preserved by marinated (given the excessive salt to deactivate the decomposing enzyme). Most salted eggs are duck eggs, although it is possible for other eggs. Salted eggs properly consumed within one month (30 days).

In Indonesia, particularly in Java, salted duck eggs are usually produced from dash runner ducks which their eggs have green eggshell-blue characteristic. These snacks are practical and can be combined with a variety of dishes –with or without rice. Fishermen who sail or people who are traveling for a long time used to take these  eggs.

In Central Java Province, the Brebes area is known as a major producer of salted egg. High quality salted egg can be characterized by bright orange to reddish yolk part, dry texture, no fishy smell, and gentle salty taste (source:wikipedia).

I have a bucket of salted eggs for my late Blue Monday. There are some salted egg producers in my husband's hometown. The eggs captured in my FIL's home. My SILs used to buy these eggs as souvenirs for their neighbors and co-workers.  


About This Blog and Me!

Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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