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Build Your Child’s Good Moral Character from Home! (2)

>> Aug 30, 2009

Before mentioning the following tips on how to build good moral character of your child, there is something that you must consider first before applying these tips. Yes, you should consider your child’s age. The ability of your child to comprehend the life values very depends on your child’s age:

1st stage: 0–5 years old
During this age range, children focus all action on themselves only. They still aren’t able yet to differentiate whether is right or wrong. Their mind set is very simple and plain. Ex: “I really want that toy, so, it won’t be wrong if I take it. Furthermore, if I don’t take it now, other will take it for me”. When trying to teach your child good values, you must repeat and repeat it again. Be patient and gentle!

2nd stage: 5-8 years old
Children begin to understand ethics and can differentiate between the right and the wrong deed. Ex: He will feel guilty if he takes thing which it doesn’t belong to him.
3rd stage: 8-12 years old 
Children decide on whether something is right or wrong base on what they hear from their parents, teachers and other authority figures. Children learn to know rules and law more seriously.

4th stage: above 13 years old
Children begin to apply values that they have received all this time, include the main principles such as ‘people should care one another’ and ‘the faith is above all’. They hate hypocrisy and parents’ platitude.

Moms and dads, here are the following tips for you:

11. Teach your child to save and choose things by reuse, reduce and recycle.
Let your child to store some used things such as cans, bottles and attractive cardboard boxes. Build her/his creativity and nature-love. Motivate your child to find fresh ideas in reusing the seconds.

12. Teach your child the importance of repeating the kindness.

13. Introduce the emotions to your child.Build his/her emotional intelligence. Don’t forget to let your child know various emotions. You may say,” I know you feel so sad right now”, “It’s okay to express your anger, but…”, “That girl looks so lonely, isn’t she?” etc.

14. Give the compliment every time she/he takes the initiative to do a good thing.
A gentle tap on shoulder, a gentle caress on hair or a warm hug will impress your child.

15. Teach your child to make an effort to achieve a realistic goal. Ex: if your child wants to have a toy that he’s seen on the store, ask him to save money every day to buy it. You can add his money later; but the lesson is he must ‘work’ first.

16. Introduce and explain the importance of giving a vote to your child. Take your child to a leader election event in your area.

17. Watch inspiring and educative movies / television program together. Discuss it and ask your child’s opinion on every main character in the movie.

18. Take your child to welcome a new neighbor or a new family member. Show your happiness by giving a gift to new comers.

19. Show your greatness of heart to your child; show them how you can solve the problem well. If you and your spouse have an argument; you should avoid yelling, blaming or insulting in the front of your child. You must find the best way to compromise and settle the problem soon.

20. Give your child a chance to repair his/her mistakes. Praise your child if he/she doesn’t make the same mistake again.

Read the following tips...

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