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Couple’s Corner: First impression with our in-laws

>> Jun 24, 2010

This time I want to write a little about my SIL and BIL, especially about our first impression. My hubby introduced me to his family after we already had a serious relationship and we have talked about our wedding plan. That day, his brothers and sisters have gathered in one house to meet me for the first time. I remembered that I didn’t have any worried feeling; I just thought that it’s a process that I must go through. Knowing all close family members of our future husbands is a must, right?

We had lunch together and then I had a warm conversation with them. They were so kind, I felt so welcomed. Actually, I have no trouble at all to enter my husband’s family. Until now, I more often visit my SIL and BIL, than my older brothers. They live not far from our house; it takes only 45 minutes drive to arrive at their homes. Since they are living near each other, it’s easier for us to meet them all at the same day.

My hubby’s father lives at his own house in another town, so, the first introduction to my FIL was done after I met his brothers and sisters. My FIL also accepted me well from the first time. I am so grateful to have FIL, SIL, and BIL like them!

It’s my story. Perhaps it isn’t that interesting, hahaha. In fact, it’s my hubby that had ‘interesting’ story; he’s got hard times with my father, as he’s still hard to let me go. To thank and appreciate my father’s blessing, we decided to accompany him until now.

12 komentar:

Lady Patchy June 24, 2010 at 5:22 PM  

it is interesting to know thta you never had a hard time with your in laws .good for you.

Glan©Haser June 24, 2010 at 5:51 PM  

Nothing can beat any Honesty heart & Feeling! Wonderful job sis!

DeniseinVA June 24, 2010 at 10:19 PM  

It's so nice to hear that you get on so well with your husband's siblings.

An English Girl Rambles

Mommy Liz June 25, 2010 at 1:44 AM  

Wow! it's so gret to hear that you get along well with your in-laws. Hahaha! it's normal for your hubby to not get along too well with your father the first time they met, you are your father's princess, and it's hard for him to let you go. At least now, they are OK, right?

eNeS June 25, 2010 at 8:24 AM  

Masalalu yang romantis mbak, hehehe...

Unknown June 25, 2010 at 8:54 AM  

Tiap orang pasti akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang sama dengan anda yah sist.. Karena hal itu memang sebuah proses yang harus kita lalui (ga bisa di skip...hehehe)

Alhamdulillah.. Kei udah sembuh kok, selama 3 hari dia kena gangguan usus pencernaan, dia diare campur lendir dan darah..
Mataku juga udah sembuh skrg, udah ga perlu pake kacamata kuda lagi klo ke kantor..hehehe

Unknown June 25, 2010 at 8:55 AM  

Tiap orang pasti akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang sama dengan anda yah sist.. Karena hal itu memang sebuah proses yang harus kita lalui (ga bisa di skip...hehehe)

Alhamdulillah.. Kei udah sembuh kok, selama 3 hari dia kena gangguan usus pencernaan, dia diare campur lendir dan darah..
Mataku juga udah sembuh skrg, udah ga perlu pake kacamata kuda lagi klo ke kantor..hehehe

eden June 25, 2010 at 11:25 AM  

How wonderful that you get on well with your husband's family especially that first time you meet them. You are so blessed and lucky.

Have a good weekend, Lina!

Cheqna June 25, 2010 at 10:43 PM  

u r blessed with good in-laws..


Pak Liek June 26, 2010 at 4:28 AM  

sebuah langkah permulaan dari suatu proses rumah tangga ...

dengan berat hati sejak malam ini blog gak mutu menyatakan untuk …. .

harto June 26, 2010 at 6:59 PM  

awal dari keluarga yang bahagia

Mel_Cole June 26, 2010 at 9:31 PM  

Hi there! Sorry for my late visit. Nice meeting you in CC :) Nice to know you are getting along with your in-laws.


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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
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