How to Keep Your Kids Entertained on a Rainy Day
>> Oct 6, 2011

Make a whole town and have your kids get out all their little toy cars, truck then draw some roads for them on paper or cardboard where they can drive around. Old boxes or cartons will make great cities which they can decorate as buildings and if you have enough you can make a whole town.
Play dough
You can buy play dough or it is quite easily made with plain flour, salt, oil, Cream of Tartar and food colouring. Make up a batch and separate before you put the colour in so you can have a few different colours, then keep it in a sealed container in the fridge so it doesn't dry out. Children love play dough, it is great for rainy day play, and you can give them some cookie cutters, shapes and other kitchen utensils to help their play.
Pressed flowers
Even though the weather is starting to warm up it often rains a lot in Spring. One good thing to do in spring on one of those rainy days is have your children pick some flowers from the garden and then press them between the pages of some heavy books. Pressing flowers is an old fashioned idea but you can also buy flower pressing kits. Once they have dried out they can use them for making cards and pictures.
Bring some comfortable cushions or chairs out on the patio area and give your children some books to read. On a rainy day it is a great thing to do for a while to have some quiet time and if you have run out of books then make a trip to the library.
Tea parties
A tea party can be fun for both boys and girls. Most children have a small set of chairs and a table where they can play, draw or eat. Set this up with a table cloth and their toy tea set, or if they don't have one let them use plastic cups and plates or even a camping set. They can have water for 'tea' or use milk. Give them real food, a few biscuits should do it, to make it more fun.
Chalk pictures
Let your children be creative with some coloured chalk and then they can draw on whatever surface they like, such as the paving, the deck or even the bricks. Chalk is great because it will easily wash off or if they draw on the footpath in between rain showers they can watch the colours run when the next shower comes.
Finger painting
Buy some large pieces of paper, butchers paper is best, and then give your children some water based pain that is non toxic. Children love finger painting because they love getting messy. They will need old clothes and plenty of room, so lay the paper out on the ground.