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Top 4 Toys to Make Your Kids Smarter

>> Oct 3, 2011

With the amount of educational toys out there, it might be difficult to find the ones that will effectively make your kids smarter and better at analytical think and problem solving. We know how important it is to make sure your kids are as smart as they can be, so we found five great toys that will help them achieve that goal.

6 months to 3 years old: blocks and shapes
Toys as such as Fisher Price’s Baby’s First Blocks are a great way to get your baby to develop problem-solving abilities. Through block toys, children learn about colors, shapes and sorting and develop analytical thinking when it comes to building towers and other shapes.

Blocks are classic toys that have endured the test of time and they’re always a hit with children of that age group. As they age, you can give them more complex sets like Legos and K’Nex. By giving your kid a block set, you are literally building up their skills for later in life!

2 to 5 years old: alphabet and children’s books
Literacy is another important skill to develop in children, as the ability to read will give them access to a much larger world. There are books suited to all levels of learning, from basic alphabet to words and sentences. After they’ve learned the alphabet and sounds of letters, you can give books such as Bob’s Books by Scholastic.

These books are especially made for children to start learning how to read with little or no help from parents. Don’t be surprised when your kids are able to read before everyone else in preschool!

4 to 8 years old: educational video games
By this time, your kids should have been introduced to video games… Yet you can help make them smarter through video games by getting them a gaming system like the Leap Frog Leapster 2 Game System.

These game systems are filled with math, science and reading games that help your children learn—and they don’t even realize it. You can also look for educational games for consoles such as the Nintendo DS.

6 to 12 years old: strategy games

Board games have lost a lot of ground since the advent of video games, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t reintroduce them in your house. From classic chess games (great for learning strategy, cause and effect and analytical thinking) to more contemporary ideas like Connect 4 or Blokus, your child will learn the basics of strategic thinking and problem analysis.

Try and make time every week for a board game night. This will encourage your children to get off video games and spend quality time with the family.

If you pair these games with activities like
baby massage for babies and toddlers, you’ll contribute to developing a well-rounded, relaxed and smart child. If they understand early that learning can be fun, they’ll have no problem adapting to and enjoying school later on.

3 komentar:

Mommy Liz October 3, 2011 at 6:15 PM  

Wow! I should have read this when AJ was little, but anyways, my kids got so may educational toys, and now, I am glad they are smart. the girls are smart, the boys are lazy to read :)

Eden October 4, 2011 at 12:43 PM  

This is a very informative post. Thank you for sharing.

Zikir dan Kontemplasi October 5, 2011 at 12:46 AM  

Tips are great for kids his age

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