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3 Tips to Be More Mindful in Everyday Life

>> Jan 24, 2023

You just scheduled your move with Black Tie Moving and thought about how you have been so busy lately. With so much going on in the world, it’s hard to take time for ourselves and to be more mindful.


That’s why we’re offering 3 tips to be more mindful in everyday life. Let’s get into it!

A woman meditating outdoor
Image : pexels.com/photo/woman-meditating-in-the-outdoors-2908175/

Mindfulness Meditation


It comes as no surprise that meditating is a great way to help you be more mindful in your daily life. So often, people think that in order to meditate, they need to sit for hours under a tree. The good news for you, is you can meditate practically anywhere.


Mindfulness meditation only requires you to have a comfortable, quiet spot to sit. The whole purpose of mindfulness meditation is to focus on your breathing and any thoughts that pop in your mind. During your practice, you’ll notice thoughts come in – which is completely normal, by the way – and you simply observe them and release them.


If you practice mindfulness meditation every day, even for 10 minutes, you’re sure to notice a change within a few weeks. You’ll likely feel more focused, less anxious, and have more energy. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to sit with yourself, instead of running away.


Practice Self-Awareness


Self-awareness goes along with mindfulness meditation. However, to practice self-awareness outside of your designated meditation time is key to living more mindfully. After all, you want to try and remain mindful throughout the day, not just for short stents.


Practicing self-awareness takes time and energy on your part. If you start to feel anxious or overwhelmed, self-awareness brings you back to yourself. In doing so, you aren’t taken down the stream of overthinking or acting based on impulse.


It’s key that you give yourself patience when it comes to self-awareness. Try not to judge or condemn yourself if you get angry or upset. Instead, accept the feelings that are inside you and they will naturally dissipate overtime once you acknowledge the triggers for those unwanted feelings.  


Spend Time Outside


It’s hard to not be mindful when you’re looking at the waves crashing on a shore or a full moon on a clear night. However, nature surrounds us with beauty all the time – no matter where we are. We often forget just how magical and vast the world we live in is.


Allow yourself to spend at least 10 minutes a day outside in peace. Put away your phone for a while and focus on what’s around you. Acknowledge the trees, the blue skies, the sound of birds, and the wind hitting your face. Just breathe and feel with nature.


Spending time in nature has a slew of positive benefits for our mental health, including being more mindful. Even if it’s cold outside, you can always bundle up. You can go for a walk or sit on your front porch. It doesn’t matter as much your means for getting outside, it’s more about the intention. The intention is to connect back with the beauty and wonder of nature.



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