Till Death Do Us Part
>> May 25, 2010
Till death do us part
I will hold you
Till death do us partI will be there for you
Till death do us part
I will protect you
Till death do us part
I will love you
Till death do us part? What does it actually mean?
Is it about being together, Until we die?
Till death do us part
I shall carry you
Till death do us part
I shall care for you
Till death do us part
I shall be with you
Till death do us part
I shall love you
Till death do us part
Will not be the end of my love
For as long as I exist in body or soul
My love for you will carry on
-Curtis Griffiths-
I guess this poem describes perfectly the beauty and the strong commitment of love between Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (Indonesia’s former president in 1998-1999) and Hasri Ainun Habibie.
Hasri Ainun Habibie died at May 22th, in the age of 72, in Muenchen, Germany. Today, May 25th, most Indonesian people watched Hasri Ainun Habibie’s funeral ceremony at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery in Jakarta, Indonesia. I can’t hold my eyes from crying. I was so touched. I can feel the great loss feeling of BJ. Habibie. Fani Habibie, his younger brother, said that BJ. Habibie has never left his wife. He’s always next to his wife, until death separates them.
source:poemhunter.com and google