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Yoga Poses for Balancing Your Chakras

>> Jan 31, 2014

Yoga, according to the ancient history is related to chakras. The term ‘Chakras’ comes from the language Sanskrit in India, the English translation for it is ’wheels’. Men of great knowledge believed, each individual is having 7 chakras in the body. The life of a human being is based on these 7 chakras, located from the base of the spine to the head. These chakras are the energy centers in our bodies.

These chakras are energy vertexes powered by a life source or prana. Hence it is essential to clear the energy blocks from our chakras, which allows the Kundalini energy to rise through us, revitalizing and upbringing our minds to new heights.
Each chakra is associated with particular functions within the body and with specific life issues and the way we handle them, both within us and in our interactions with the outer world. Chakras can be thought of as sites where we receive, absorb, and distribute life energies in our body. Through external situations and internal habits, a chakra can become either deficient or excessive, imbalanced and blocked.

Asanas, or stances, are postures of body that is used to activate these chakras. 

The first Chakra is the “Muladhara” chakra, which in English means ‘root’. The location of this chakra is at the base of the spine. The 1st chakra is the one that will help to keep you grounded and centered. It is associated with survival instincts and base communication. The concerns associated with this chakra involvesfood, clothing, and shelter that are practical things. The emotion related with this chakra is fear. The lesser we are connected to the earth, the more we fear. To ground yourself, go for a walk, be out in nature, and connect to the nature.

In yoga, standing poses balances and strengthens the 1st chakra, makes the body become more grounded. One among them is the standing crow posture.
Crouching with hands parallel to the ground and the standing straight, and repeating.

The second Chakra is the “Svadishthana” chakra, which in English means ‘One’s own place or self’. This is located in the lower abdomen an inch below the navel. This chakra makes way for emotional and sensual movement in our life, opening to pleasure, and learning to "go with the flow".Yoga teacher all watery things about us are in association with this chakra: circulation, menstruation, urination, orgasm, tears. Water flows, moves, and changes, and a healthy second chakra allows us to do so.

One of the postures that help you is the Frog Pose. Crouching with hands on the ground. Then lifting the lower body with the hands still touching the ground and repeating.

The third Chakra is the “Manipura” chakra, which in English means ‘Lustrous gem’. It is present in the area of the solar plexus, navel and digestive system. It associates with power, self-esteem and vitality. Bikram yoga stimulates the 3rd chakra. Be sure that this chakra needs heat stimulation before participating in Bikram yoga.

The fourth Chakra is the “Anahata” chakra, which in English means ‘Stillness’. This chakra is located in the Heart, also is known as the Heart chakra, since it governs our institution and love. When the fourth chakra is deficient, one might have the feelings of shyness and loneliness, with physical conditions being asthma, lung diseases or shallow breathing.

In yoga, any postures that have a backward bend, opening chest is a great practice to stimulate this chakra, and an example would be the camel pose. Standing straight on knees and bending backwards to touch heels.

The fifth Chakra is the “Vishuddha” chakra, which in English means ‘Purity’.The first of all among the spiritual chakras. The 4th chakra is both spiritual and the physical chakra,it’s a bridge between the two. The fifth chakra is located in the throat, hence has to do with communicating, and speaking.

Yoga poses that are good for the 5th chakra are Bridge pose, Camel pose, neck and shoulder stretches and Plow pose.

The sixth Chakra is the “Ajna” chakra, which in English means ‘Beyond wisdom’. The location of this chakra is above and between the eyes. Yoga poses for the 6th chakra are supported forward bends and also eye exercises.

The seventh Chakra is the “Sahasrara” chakra, which in English means ‘Thousandfold’. This chakra is the crown of the entire chakras, symbolizing the highest stage of enlightenment. The seventh chakra can only be conquered with meditation.

Author Bio: Kunal Chhibber is a professional content writer He has also written many informative write-ups doing exclusive research on the Yoga poses for balancing certification. He is a graduate in management; music is a passionate hobby to which he is committed to as a part time Disc Jockey.

2 komentar:

The Enchantress January 31, 2014 at 7:54 AM  

beautiful ! i feel ashamed of being an Indian and not knowing it

writer January 31, 2014 at 3:20 PM  
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