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How to Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking

>> Dec 17, 2010

In previous post, it mentioned that parents should interfere to stop this habit only if your child permanent front teeth have started to come in. If you still let your child doing it, your child may get teeth problem.

If you still don’t what are the right things to do, I hope this article will help you. Here are the tips:

Make Your Child Think it's Her/His Idea
Don’t nag your child
to stop the thumb sucking habit. The better way: support her/him to realize how much she/he has grown and changed. Show your child what she/he has left behind on her/his way to maturity.

Mention that she/he no longer has use for diapers, bottles, or high chairs. Tell your child how proud you are of the accomplishment. Ask your child what else she/he thinks she/he will stop. If your child doesn't say thumb sucking, then you should suggest it.

Reduce the Habit
When you see your child's thumb in his mouth, try to draw your child’s attention. Engage him/her in an activity that needs he/she use both hands. Do this especially before nap and bedtime. You can try this: have your child to hold the book that you are reading or hug a stuffed animal with each arm. Have another trick?

Help Your Child to be Consistent
When your child wants to quit thumb sucking, tell her/him about a habit that you also gave up and how hard it was. Then you can decide to make a secret sign- between the two of you.

Every time you see your child reflexively slips her/his thumb in her/his mouth—you can use the secret signal to aid her realize what she is doing. This secret signal can change a shameful situation in fun way.

Use Authority
Statements from your child's pediatrician and dentist
can really work. They can help your child feel that he/she wants to stop sucking his thumb because he/she is growing up (this tip works for me!).

Consider Peer Pressure
In your child’s age, friends are very important. Invite your child’s friends who don’t suck thumbs to have a nap together with your child at your home. If your child sucks the thumb and her/his friends mention it, this might encourage her/ his to stop.

Well, now it’s your turn to decide which one that you will apply. Don’t forget to consider your child’s personality and age. Good luck!


4 komentar:

sibutiz December 17, 2010 at 10:18 PM  

good post...
hhe hhe,ikuatn saja...
BETE sangat saya juga lemot gini koneksi saya..

NURMANTO December 18, 2010 at 12:18 AM  

ndak paham bahasa english.. hufts

dukung saya yaaa di

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and visite : siapalagi cooy

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