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Couple’s Corner: My Husband as an Uncle

>> Jun 17, 2011

He isn’t yet a father, so, this time I share my opinion about him as an uncle. I can say that he’s a good uncle. To teenager nephews and nieces, he acts as a friend and sometimes he acts like their fathers. Some of teenager nephews prefer to obey my husband more; that’s why my BIL/SIL often asks my husband’s help to communicate heart-by-heart with their sons.

To younger nephews and nieces, he’s more known as a funny and humorous uncle who can make them laugh.

Well, I’m proud of him. He’s a good uncle. I believe he will become a good father one day.

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
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