An Owl
>> Jun 18, 2011

Based on some resource sites, I’ll share a little about owl here. Well, different with most birds, owls are nocturnal with a big head and forward facing large eyes. Their eyes are fixed in their sockets, and some are able to turn around their head up to 270 degrees. This bird has amazing eyes!
With outstanding vision, sensitive hearing, and the ability to fly without a sound, they are a stealthy and successful hunter. Nocturnal creatures are symbolic of inner-knowing, psychic talent, and sixth sense. Birds are considered by many cultures to be messengers between earthly creatures and spirit.
Today, the owl is often used as a symbol for education, and used as a graduation mascot. Many cultures have connected the following characteristics to the owl:
intelligence, brilliance, wisdom, power, knowledge
intelligence, brilliance, wisdom, power, knowledge
intuition, messages, mysticism, mystery, unconscious, silent observation
independence, protection, bravery, transition, longevity, reincarnation
Wow, an owl can be a symbol of many things!
12 komentar:
Wah, Inggrisku semrawut mbak, agak mudheng, banyak enggaknya. Makasih dan selamat menjelang liburan.
Incredible colors. I love birds. Wonderful post.
Happy Camera Critter Day. Here is my LINK Hope to see you stop by for a visit!!
Very cool, I love owls. Is it a rescue? Great photos.
wow nice shots and good info
Wow owl! Those are great eyes staring us.
Amazing detail about owl. Thanks Lina, came here via Eden's blog.
Amazing photos - such a magnificent creature!
Erik seems to have sip some coffee at night , hes supposed to sleep in the morning, haha
that owl is really cute.. incidentally, i recently researched about why owls are used to symbolize wisdom, one of the reasons i found was that owl was the pet of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom in the Greek Mythology..
wahaha.. inggrisku juga masih litle-litle mbak ckckck :D
Very nice shot of the owl.
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