Wandering Cows
>> Jun 11, 2011
Wandering cats are so common. How about wandering cows? Riding toward the housing where my BIL lives; my husband captured these moments. The owner doesn’t place the cows in a cage. He lets the cows looking for food by themselves.
The cows are free to go anywhere around and they can go back home by themselves too. They eat wild grass here and there and walk calmly along the roads. Local people around have used to see these views. The most important is, there’s no one dares stealing the cows. There a belief: anyone who steals the cow in that area, he will get severe ill. Sorry for less quality pics!
14 komentar:
this is also common in India
Luckily they are tame cows. My friend in Bengkulu says that cows sometimes hit her house wall and turn around her tv antenna..
Such wonderfully cute and free cows!
I am impressed that they will make their way back home!
How wonderful that no one steals the cows, you couldn't do that around here.
wow! very nice photos!!
waaahhh sapinya mau kemana tuuuh....
cow in the city, hehe.
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Kalo sapi-sapi itu jalan-jalannya di Sukabumi pasti sudah dikejar-kejar orang sekampung, hehehe...
this is cool pictures. just wondering...are cows allowed in the street? have a nice day!
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