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Engagement Rings -- Are Diamonds your Girl's Best Friend?

>> Jul 13, 2011

For centuries, young men have been proposing marriage to young ladies and offering an engagement ring as a token of this commitment. And for almost half that time, diamonds have played a prominent role in the design of the rings. But are diamonds still a girl's best friend all these years later?

Reasons diamonds are a girl's best friend:

1. Tradition
Despite women making huge gains in equal rights, many of us still have daydreams of the perfect fairytale wedding. That stunning Kate Middleton, Prince Charming, lavish-type affair with doves, carriages, harps and ringing church bells. While it may not be a reality, it's partly this dream that enables the tradition of big white weddings to live on. And a major part of this tradition is the beautiful
diamond rings that celebrate the engagement! If your girl is tradition, likely diamonds are still her best friend.

2. Value
As much as it's taboo to say, diamonds carry a certain perceived value that other precious stones and gems simply don't carry. And while your girlfriend may not be the type to care how much you spent or how expensive a rock can be, she won't be able to help her lips curling up at the corners, when her friends exclaim about how expensive it must have been. So if she’s flashy or likes something shiny – diamonds are in!

Reasons to think outside the square

1. While diamonds are beautiful, many liberated women can buy their own these days. Ensure you accompany these precious gems with brilliant design that suits her style so the amount of thought into the gift is evident. If your girl is the breadwinner -- maybe focus more on the design and getting in touch with what she loves, then on the rock itself.

2. Practicality
While you might want to get the biggest ring you can find, remember many women these days wear their engagement rings every day, meaning they can get caught on things, scratch things, and be scratched themselves. If you're selecting a diamond or other precious stones, think about the size and the setting. Perhaps something set a little smaller would be more practical for the modern woman. On the bright side, diamonds are one of the strongest substances in earth! If your lady is outdoorsy or has a hands on job, think about an alternative to diamonds, or perhaps just have them low set.

3. The new craze
Of course, if you want to go new-age, bypass the ring altogether -- or compliment the diamonds -- with a permanent tattooed ring around the finger. This is no short term commitment and neither is a tattoo!

4. Trends
Diamonds are traditional, but the latest trend is to combine diamonds with other precious gems -- adding a bit of colour to the ring! Try something different, why not a sapphire or a ruby?

7 komentar:

bbtoo July 15, 2011 at 9:37 AM  

Very nice ring Lina. I would agree with that diamonds is the girl's bestfriend

sheenu123 July 15, 2011 at 12:19 PM  

this article is all about diamond engagement rings.this article represents every woman's sense of humor.nice post.

eden July 18, 2011 at 10:48 AM  

Nice post with great info. Thank you for sharing.

Diamond Engagement Rings April 2, 2012 at 5:17 PM  

Very nice designs. Very intricately done. Really a work of art. Every piece is a beautiful creation which is unique and elegant

Diamond Rings May 7, 2012 at 7:21 PM  

Very good blog. I have been visiting it since a long time. Very helpful. Keep up the good job.

loose diamond May 8, 2012 at 11:35 AM  

Fantastic Layout and information. Have bookmarked the page.Will visit soon.

loose diamond May 8, 2012 at 11:40 AM  

Very innovative. I love reading your blogs. Bookmarked!

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