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Enjoyable Weekend

>> Jul 17, 2011

How’s your weekend? My weekend was enjoyable as my father came home this weekend, Sunday morning, after 10 days in a hospital. Reaching home, straightly my father noticed that our Amarylis is blooming again since June last year.

My brother and family who live in another town came to visit my father and spent one night at our home. My father looked happy seeing my brother could come. Of course, every parent would love to receive attention and affection from their children. I hope my father also love my accompanying during times in the hospital, since my father isn’t an expressive person.

For sharing blue things this Monday, I just want to share a tool which measures the usage of tap water in our home. We subscribe tap water from a local government company. Every resident who subscribes will be installed the same water meter on their homes. The number shown on this tool will be record manually every month by an officer. I always permit the officer to come in and write the number by himself. Neighbors who don’t like ‘a stranger’ come into their yards will provide a board that mentions the numbers. The officer take notes from outside home. How about you, which way do you prefer? How the tap water usage is measured in your place?

4 komentar:

kimmy July 18, 2011 at 7:19 AM  

my weekend had been fun because I was finally able to fix the new layout of all of my blogs, :)

is that a water meter? we have the same thing here, only the one you featured is much MUCH CLEANER, lol!

eden July 18, 2011 at 10:46 AM  

Glad to know your father is back at home now.

We use water meter too but we placed it outside in our front yard for easier access to the one who read it. Nice blue Monday post.

Muhammad-Dadan July 18, 2011 at 8:30 PM  

of course your father happy with your attention n affection at the hospital. We take ground water to suffice our need.

Jeevan July 19, 2011 at 4:25 PM  

Here in ‘Chennai’ the tap water is not measured since we live in apartment water is supplied by Lorries in liters that we stored into our sump and others have direct tap connection from public pipes and only few installed meters. Except times of water scarcity... the water is provided for minimum charged twice a month.

Hope it was a happy weekend for you all. My wishes to u r father.

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