Is Performing Plastic Surgery on Teenagers Truly Unethical?
>> Oct 31, 2013
Is there an excuse for teenagers to get plastic surgery?
No matter how bad things may seem, changing one's appearance
slightly can only make so much difference.
Millions of children and teenagers are teased and chided every day over
appearance-related matters. Some still manage to grow up to find that they love
the very 'unique' characteristics which were once the banes of the social
existences. In a recent blog post by Joseph A. Mele, M.D., F.A.C.S. of the San Francisco
Plastic Surgery Blog, he discusses the demographics of his clients, wherein 5%
are teens who chose to go under the knife.
It's Not All Hollywood Starlets
Contrary to the conservative side of popular opinion, it's not
just Hollywood starlets who are prematurely mutating themselves into large
breasted 'plastic dolls' and seeking out plastic surgery. This narrow view neglects the real faces and
stories behind teens who decided that plastic surgery is the right choice for
The most common procedures in his practice for the 13 to 19 age
group, states Dr. Mele, or rhinoplasty,
gynaecomastia (reduction of male breasts), breast augmentation, otoplasty
(reshaping of the ear), and minimally invasive procedures like laser hair
removal, laser skin resurfacing and laser treatment of veins in the legs.
Anyone who lived through their own teenage years can recognise the
symptoms leading to the decision to perform plastic surgery. It is considered as
some as the most difficult and painful which accompany puberty and beyond. A person cannot know that he or she will
experience abnormalities of the breasts until puberty begins or might not elect
to perform surgery to reshape a nose or ear until it becomes a factor
preventing normal, comfortable socialisation.
Ridding one's face of acne scars can take years and laser treatments
today makes the problem vanish nearly instantly. Technology is making it easier to be a teen,
although plastic surgery is still a controversial means of correction.
Who Gets a Say in When Plastic Surgery is NOT to be Performed?
In most countries around the world, the parents or guardians of children and
teenagers get the final say when it comes to plastic surgery until 18 years of
What Parent Would Agree to Teenage Plastic Surgery?
Apparently, most of them would agree to plastic surgery in extreme
circumstances. While non-parents or
opponents of plastic surgery might think that only a foolish or cruel parent
would allow such a thing, a recent survey conducted by RealSelf shows that 68% of parents
agreed that they would allow a child to have plastic surgery to prevent him or
her from being bullied.
This attitude truly puts to the test the old adage that
'appearance doesn't matter'. On the one hand, a child learns that it really
doesn't matter what you look like so a surgical procedure that could improve
your life by changing your nose is not as valid as one that removes a
suspicious mole (that could or could not be harmful in the long run). On the other hand, it teaches children that
appearance is everything in this world, and a more attractive appearance will
help them socially throughout life.
For now, the debate will be one each family will have to resolve
independently by deciding just how important it is for its own teens to have
surgery before 18 years of age. It is
likely to become more, and not less, popular to undergo cosmetic surgeries at
younger ages, fueling an ongoing debate as to how young is just plain too
Sharon Freeman is a
professional freelancer who writes about plastic surgery and the latest surgical trends in the plastic surgery world.
3 komentar:
Kalo di liat dari efek sama risikonya...ngeri juga ya,mbak :)
Mending yg alami aja kali ya..aman dan nyaman :)
Plastic surgery can be somehow recommended depending on certain cases or situation..
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