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Eating Healthy at Work

>> Aug 28, 2014

Is it possible to have a healthy diet in the workplace? Eating healthy foods in the workplace is a challenge for many people. The main cause is you are so busy in the office that makes no time to enjoy healthy food.

The food that sold usually practical food and don’t have adequate nutritional content. Another challenge is because healthy food is commonly not preferred and defeated by fast food. However, unhealthy foods may certainly harm your health and in addition, it will make you gain weight.

Don’t forget breakfast.
Breakfast will increase productivity as it can reduce fatigue, drowsiness and help  you to concentrate better. When you wake up, the brain metabolism increases so that glucose needed for added energy. Glucose in body in the morning declines since you don’t eat all night while sleeping. A good breakfast menu is a food that requires time to digest, such as whole wheat bread with a fried egg plus onions, peppers, and tomatoes.

Don’t miss lunch.
Lunch should not be done at your desk, but move to another place so that your body and mind refreshed and improve your mood. Note also the lunch menu is selected. It is okay to occasionally have lunch at a roadside restaurant with a less healthy menu. However, don’t do it every day. Eating out is fine but it should still meet the needs of the body of the fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Good lunch menu is 50% fruits and vegetables, 25% protein and 25% carbohydrate.

The rule of eating healthy snacks is concerned servings and calories. They seem small and not filling you up, but you shouldn’t include too many calories from snacks as it may cause weight gain. Also avoid eating fried foods often since they contain excessive fat.

Healthy snacks menu are foods like boiled potatoes or boiled bananas, wheat biscuits, yogurt, or dark chocolate.

Tea and coffee.
Tea and coffee accompany your daily times at the office. For some people, drinking tea and coffee has become a habit that is difficult to stop. Even your body feels less powered unless you drink any of it. Consuming tea and coffee is fine as long as not too much.

Servings of tea and coffee, it is suggested a teaspoon of tea or coffee with a half of one tablespoon of sugar, and it does not exceed two cups a day. It would be better if it is not mixed with sugar, milk or creamer because it will increase the calories.

Healthy dinner.
If you only use the night to rest, carbohydrate servings at dinner could be reduced. If you have to stay late and choose to eat at home by holding hunger, you may choose a healthy snack or fruit.

Suggested dinner menu are vegetables, protein or fruit. By taking meals with appropriate portions and composition, it will help you have enough energy to perform day-to-day activities, avoid the disease, maintain a healthy weight  and physical appearance.

1 komentar:

Staff Administrator August 29, 2014 at 7:43 PM  

hal yang sering terlewatkan saat mau sarapan... pas waktunya kepepet berangkat kerja ya mbak :)

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