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When do You Need to Start Saving Your Marriage?

>> Feb 24, 2010

When you say,” I do” on your wedding day, of course, you are dreaming of living in a happy marriage life; but sometimes life doesn’t go on as we want it to be. Marriage itself is a difficult commitment and marriage life has its ups and downs. But how if you begin to feel: there is something wrong, there is something hurts you or there is something that makes you uncomfortable, and you don’t know what exactly it is.

A broken marriage may start from a problem that lets unsolved for along time. You can’t ignore any problem. No matter what small a problem is, it can become the discomfort source in your relationship. Moreover, it can lead to the negative thinking such as a desire to divorce. Knowing from the beginning the danger signs in a marriage will help you a lot. You can anticipate what have hurt you or what have made you uncomfortable. To be able to save your marriage, you should realize in advance whenever you need a
marriage help.

If you start to feel uneasy for any reason about your marriage, or even if you want to make sure you’re on the right track,
marriage counseling might be for you. If you make this decision earlier rather than later, you can improve your communication and perhaps strengthen your marriage even more.

You shouldn’t wait until worse thing happens in your marriage like infidelity, emotional abuse, neglect or something bad else. If you feel consistently unhappy when you spend time with your spouse, it can be a sign that you need to save your marriage. If your marriage is in trouble, it will affect other areas of your life. You may feel depressed or unhappy in many areas of your life because you are too busy worrying about your marriage.

You and your spouse may also consider on participating in a marriage retreat. It can also be a perfect way for you to reconnect and focus on your marriage. Your life is so busy; so, it will be nice to have a special time together to just discuss your marriage and reconnect one another. Whatever way you choose to save your marriage, the most important point is, save your marriage earlier!

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
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