Teachergive Sale 2023

Teachergive Sale 2023

Spending Sunday

>> Feb 7, 2011

Yesterday, we’re eating out again. This time we visited Kampung Katulampa (Bogor, West Java, Indonesia). You can do all outbound activities there. Besides that, there are also several fish ponds for you to catch fish and a restaurant that opens for public only for week end. On the week days, though the restaurant doesn’t offer ready-to-eat food, they still provide a cook to fry or bake your fishing result.

The fishing place offers rented fishing tools. Since my father remembered his childhood, he wanted to try fishing again after long time never doing it. At first, it’s only my father who fishing, but later, hubby was also interested to try. It’s his first fishing time!

We had nice modest lunch. All served Indonesian food were delicious, it’s like eating home made ones. I forgot taking pictures of the food, too hungry already, hehehe.
After lunch, they continued fishing. I just sat and accompanied. Every time I felt boring, I left them and went wandering the whole area. We went back home at 4.30 pm. How’s about the fishing result? We still have no luck. There’s no any fish was attracted to their fish baits.

The other people fishing there were successfully catching some fishes. I guess that’s why my father is still interested to do it again next time. So, in the next their fishing time, I will bring interesting books and perhaps my laptop…

About This Blog and Me!

Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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