5 Ways to Happiness
>> Sep 24, 2011

1. Do what you love.Do you know what your dream job is? Are you in it? If you aren’t, it’s time to take steps to change that!
It might mean getting a brand new job, changing your current role slightly if you can, or it will mean quitting, starting from fresh and perhaps even going back to study.
Don’t worry about what people will think or whether you can afford it. If needed, look into cash loans to help tide you over while you search for something new. It will be worth the investment later down the line.
2. Don’t do what you hate.
Think about what really makes you stressed or angry – and don’t do it!
Think about what really makes you stressed or angry – and don’t do it!
For example, has the 2 hours commute every morning become completely unbearable? Move somewhere closer so you no longer have to do this.
Do you absolutely hate cleaning? Hire a cleaner or bribe someone else in the family to do it for you.
Do you absolutely hate cleaning? Hire a cleaner or bribe someone else in the family to do it for you.
If there really is no way you can get out of doing something you hate, then you need to change the way you think about it. Easier said than done, but effective once achieved.
3. Reward yourself.Take time out once in a while to relax and remember to enjoy life. Maybe it’s an afternoon away from some of your responsibilities, walking in your favourite park or watching a movie you love.
If there’s something you’ve always wanted, you’ve been saving for it, but feel too guilty or nervous to take the final step: don’t hesitate any longer, do it.
There are fast loans you could get if you need to take an urgent vacation for a week, or help you with that car payment. As long as you know you can pay it back, you needn’t worry.
There are fast loans you could get if you need to take an urgent vacation for a week, or help you with that car payment. As long as you know you can pay it back, you needn’t worry.
4. Slow down.
If you find you always seem to run out of time, ask yourself: have you got too many commitments in your life? Perhaps there is a way to make things easier – are there ways you can lighten the load?
If you find you always seem to run out of time, ask yourself: have you got too many commitments in your life? Perhaps there is a way to make things easier – are there ways you can lighten the load?
Talk to your family and friends for support and ask for advice on what you can change to make things less hectic.
Seeking the support of a guidance counselor or writing your feelings down, can also help you work through your causes of stress. You might even be able to pinpoint exactly what it is that is hindering your happiness. You won’t be able to change your mood overnight, but you can at least take steps in the right direction.
5. Appreciate what you have.
Take the time to think about everything that is great and wonderful in your life. It is so easy to lose sight of the good things when we get overtired or distraught.
Know that there are people out there who can help and that there is always a way to make changes or improve things.
Take the time to think about everything that is great and wonderful in your life. It is so easy to lose sight of the good things when we get overtired or distraught.
Know that there are people out there who can help and that there is always a way to make changes or improve things.
Work on your relationships because the people closest to us can provide the greatest and most effective support. Count your blessings, focus on the silver lining, and you will soon find that mind over matter really is possible.