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Teachergive Sale 2023

Welcome Home, Father

>> Sep 9, 2011

My father came back home ( to my brother’s home) from the hospital yesterday. For his daily lunch and dinner at my brother’s home, we decide to subscribe the specific meals from the hospital catering. The doctor said that he must take low fiber diet.

I remember a nurse’s advices yesterday, while I conveyed our appreciation for taking care of my father during the days in the hospital. One of her advice was she forbid my father to watch football matches on television, since it can provoke his emotion and then affect his heart. I still can’t tell him; my father is a football lover!

Yesterday I also received a call from the woman that keeps our home in Bogor (West Java, Indonesia) while we’re going out of town. She said that the telephone was broken and there are some leakages in my father’s bedroom. I still can’t go back home; I can’t leave my father here while my brother hasn’t been coming home yet from his work duties in other towns.

1 komentar:

Anonymous September 15, 2011 at 10:19 PM  

Its really hard to say someone not to do this or that while they are in bed or weak... but preventing as well as allowing does cause an effect. Hope he gets well soon :)

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
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