Things Married Men Don't Want to Hear
>> Sep 4, 2013
One of the greatest things about being married is that you don't
have to be worried about what, when and where you're saying something. But if
you don't watch you mouth, it is very likely that you fail into a really unpleasant
situation, which he later will remind you over, and over, and over again..
Sometimes the ugly truth comes out in a hurtful ways, rather than helpful ones.
Here are some advices that may help in such situations.
'Ugh, we are having dinner with him
Well, of course you don't
like this smelly, rude and vulgar friend of his. We would be more concerned if
you did. And no one says spouses are required to adore each other’s friends.
The problem is that you're insulting the man's choice of friends. If he insists
on going out with someone, well... he probably enjoys his company. You can always suggest that he and his pal
spent a nice guy's night. In that way you will give him freedom to spend some
time with his friends and give him a reason to show his appreciation later.
'He called and wants to see me? What's wrong with that?'
Your ex is back in town and invites you on
a lunch. Of course, he does not intent to do something inappropriate. And he
knows that you're happily married. But
your partner will probably not accept it so good. So in this case, may be the
best solution is to keep this to yourself. We know your partner is not
interested in details about your ex, so the less you talk about him, the more
secure your husband will feel.
'You bought me that?'
It is a well-known
fact that men are not keen on shopping. And there are only a few times when they decide to actually buy
something for their wives. And in most of the cases these are some occasions.
So they remember quite well these little gifts and the fact that you cannot
even remember the little things he tried so hard to choose for you is pretty
This simple word can totally enrage your spouse. The meaning
behind it is that you are absolutely NOT interested in what he's talking about
or (and perhaps the worst situation) it indicates that you're boiling with
anger and don't want to share it with him. So, try to avoid using it. Sometimes
it just comes out of your moth and there is nothing you can do. But what is
important is that if you don't agree with your partner or have something, which
you want to discuss with him – share it. It will be much better than simply
keeping all your worries for yourself.
'You never...' or 'You always...'
Think about it! Neither of these is actually true. Starting a
sentence like that will make your spouse start a fight straightaway. If you
want to say that he rarely think of washing the dishes or often thinks he's
right about something, just try not to exaggerate and clearly claim what you
mean. That way it is much more likely that he will listen instead of starting another fight and proving you that
you're wrong.
Author Bio: Emma Trevisani is a married woman and a mother of two
wonderful kids- a boy and a girl. She is currently working for
and enjoys the job because she has enough free time for her family and her
writing hobby.
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