I’m Better Today!
>> Dec 28, 2013
got bad flu for almost a week. My dizzy head made me lazy to do anything
including updating this blog. My husband experiences the same symptoms, so we
just taking care each other. Gratefully, we’re better today. My BILs, SILs and
nephews are on vacation now but we can’t go along as we’re sick.
just a short update from me. Hope you all enjoy your holidays.
Camera Critters and Saturday's Critters, I
share here –again- deer that live in the front yard of the Bogor Presidential
Palace (West Java, Indonesia). There are so many of them, I think the amount of
deer is more than three hundreds.
12 komentar:
Pretty spotted deer, different from the ones in our country.
I hope you feel better soon.
Pretty deer, Lina!1 I hope you are both feeling better now. Take care!
Wishing you all the best in 2014, a happy healthy New Year!
Wonderful photo of endearing critters ~ carol, xxx
That's a good looking stag!
Pretty deer - guess they didn't have Christmas duty.
I hope, by now, you and hubby are over your bout with the flu and feeling wonderful.
My Camera Critters shows my adorable granddaughter and my two granddogs!
I hate getting sick. I do not like the feeling of helplessness. I hope you get better soon.
Beautiful animals. I hope you feel better soon.
Mav juga baru bisa hadir mbak :)
Kemarin juga sy sempat terkena flu..cuaca yg ekstrim memang..di perlukan ekstra perhatian buat menjg stamina..
Welcome backbak Lin ;)
My best hliday is bloging and posting to informed my guys
Take care,hope both of you have a fast recovery.
Wonderful picture and so pretty deer
Happy New Year !
Greetings from Poland !
Nice photo of the deer!
I hope, you get better soon.
Happy New Year to you!
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