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The Amazing 6 Boating Activities for the Entire Family to Enjoy

>> May 24, 2015

Family activities are the best way to get your family together and create some amazing memories. And even though we are all so busy and rarely have the time to even organize a quick get together with friends, when family outings are in question, things need to be prioritized.

Holidays, vacations, picnics, with or without occasion celebrations… all these are a wonderful way for the family to get together, relax and reconnect.
However, with so many activities out there, a person can get distracted not knowing where to start. The best way to organize your family activity is to see what it is that all the members have in common. That way no one will feel left out and you are guaranteed to give them a good time!

In this blog, we are going to address one activity in particular which is fun, interesting, exciting and definitely memorable!

Family boating, for instance, is my family’s favorite outdoor activity and we always try to get our schedules around and make the timing work for us all.
I’ll lay out a few reasons why boating should be your favorite outdoor activity too!

It’s exciting!

Unlike any outdoor activity taking place on the land, being on a boat brings about a certain element of excitement, mystery and thrill. When you are on a boat it’s inevitable to have fun – as you are strolling around the lake or river you’ll see the amazing water world, fish jumping in and out of water, river birds and above all – feel the peace of nature with the little waves splashing against sides of your boat.

It brings you calm

Boating is one of those activities that brings about the sense of calm and relaxation. Chatting with your family members or friends you brought along, snacking on your favorite foods and letting your senses soak in the wonders of the nature around is a true blessing and an experience that will bring peace and harmony in your life. Sit back and enjoy the peace that you can experience while floating on the water.

You enjoy fishing, don’t you?
And while there are people that will call fishing boring and dull, truth is this sport (if we may call it that) takes a lot of wit, calm, patience and good planning.

While the older members of the family will be thrilled to have caught a fish they’ll later make a feast out of, the young ones will probably light up each time they catch a big one!
When you all get together for barbequing the fish by the river, you have yet another family activity to enjoy!

Swimming is the best thing

Being on a boat makes it easy to dock at the sand bar or out in the middle of the lake/river if you are in for a quick dip. Both you and your family members will have so much fun jumping off the side of the boat, or just swimming to freshen up a bit and keep your physique toned. The kids seem to enjoy this more than anything else you can do on the boat, so there are no wrongs here.


Water Skiing and kneeboarding

Get out your skis and hit the water! This is an amazing activity for the whole family. If none of you is experienced in this sport, you can always talk to the professionals and ask for a little bit of help. Once all the interested members of your family learn how to water ski, the fun can begin! Plus, once you invest in water skiing lessons, it’s done – you’ve learned it forever!

This goes for kneeboarding too. Kids in particular love this sport as it is extremely fun, adventurous and exhilarating!

Boats can be rented

If you don’t own a boat and you feel strongly about going on a boat experience, you don’t actually have a problem. These days, you can rent a boat just as easily as you would rent a bike! You may even get some help from the people working there, take several lessons on how to manage a boat. If you are a true boat enthusiast, and you feel like little boating outings are going to be something your family will enjoy in the long run, then consider building a boat! Why not!

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
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