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The Right Place for Sharing and Exposing Questions and Answers

>> Jan 16, 2012

As social creatures, people like to connect one another. The internet technology gives easiness for every one to communicate with any one else from different countries without spending much money and leaving their homes. The internet also opens a new way for you to search for required information. Nowadays, there are many people who have used internet as their open and free source of information.

When you have a question, you can find the answer easily in the internet, just by typing the questions in search engines. The related results are offered immediately; but sometimes, you don’t get the accurate and specific answers that you need. If this situation occurs, you crave to ask questions to the expert and be involved in an active discussion.

For some people, getting information from a passive source isn’t enough and satisfying. They prefer to join a community website that allows every member to share
Questions and Answers in various topics to others. If you’re interested to be a member, you should visit Exposix.com; as you’ll be able to share and expose anything easily there!

Let’s say that you’re an expert in parenting field. You can help other parents by giving required advice and sharing your knowledge. Answering questions in parenting topic may be a right way to expand your proficiency more. Exposix.com has many different topics to be discussed; the parenting is just one of more than 30 available topics. Just click the related topic to check the existing questions that you can answer. You can also open a new discussion or debate.

Otherwise, you face a trouble with your computer and you need other’s opinion and tutorial. Before conveying a question in detail, make sure first that there isn’t any member who has made the similar question earlier.

To make your discussion more active and exciting, you can choose any language that you prefer and communicate with others who speak in the same language. There are more than 15 language options that you can select. I hope Exposix.com will offer more language options in the future.

Actually, sharing and exposing about different things could become an enjoyable experience. If you have a question about anything that needs immediate answer, don’t hesitate to share it there. I think it could be a fun way for you to obtain the right answers from other people. Just reading other’s questions and answers can give you already added knowledge. So, now it’s your turn to share and expose your questions and answers!

4 komentar:

Dias Spot January 16, 2012 at 7:52 PM  

hi Lina, I was going to visit your 3 other blogs but I can't visit them due to "malware" the culprit is this website "sniny.org" you might want to delete that on your blogs....just a thought!

kim January 16, 2012 at 11:08 PM  

oh, i was about to say the same thing. couldn't visit My Home Sweet Home and Women's Perspectives because of malware infection or something. hope things get better soon..

Unknown January 17, 2012 at 6:53 AM  

Kalau dulu ada ungkapan buku adalah jendela dunia, maka sekarang internet adalah jendela dunia...
sayang untuk sebagian pengguna tidak benar2 memanfaatkan forum2 ini, latar belakang budaya kita menjadikan orang kurang terbuka dengan masalahnya, ini berbeda dengan orang amerika atau eropa misalnya yang memang terbiasa dengan forum2 diskusi, tempat curhat yang memang benar2 digunakan sebagai mungkin, mumpung gratis :D, ingat di film2, untuk 1 jam sampai beberapa dolar harus dibayarkan ke seorang psikolog. Hadirnya forum diskusi tentu akan dimaanfatkan dengan baik.

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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