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Teachergive Sale 2023

The Best Care Home in Essex

>> Jan 10, 2012

I’ve an old friend who lives in Essex, UK. We chatted yesterday and talked about various things. She contacted me once she knew about my father’s passing away last Friday to convey her condolences. When I asked about his mother’s latest condition, she said that actually she’s in confused. Her mother has got affected severe dementia symptoms. She wants to take care of her mother by herself at her home but she has no time left. She’s a working mom and single mother; I can comprehend all her difficulties.

After our conversation ended, I tried to find out more about Essex. Fortunately, I found a local news website called This is Essex. It’s the right and reliable source for you to get the latest information, reviews and news about Essex. Various local matters are discussed there. I also read one article at this local news website that conveying about hallmark care homes that have opened a new Hallmark care home, Anisha Grange care home, in Billericay, Essex in September last year.

The article attracted my attention to search more information about Hallmark care homes. I’m interested after I knew that the care homes are focusing on building a community and establishing a sympathetic relationship with all residents in person.

Every Hallmark care home like Anisha Grange provides the best service and facilities. Anisha Grange has also different dementia care and especially designed dementia garden. Moreover, this care home has been awarded lately as ‘The UK’s Most Outstanding New Care Home’ at the UK over 50s Housing Awards. I’ll recommend this home care to my friend.

I think Anisha Grange can be a perfect home for my friend’s mother. She’ll receive the best medical care and live in a friendly and warm environment. I hope my friend will visit the home care soon and then make the right decision for her mother.

2 komentar:

Bev January 10, 2012 at 10:20 PM  

Sounds like a good place! I know how hard it is to have a love one with dementia... My mom had it and it is a very hard thing!

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