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Ultrasound for Early Detection of Down Syndrome

>> Oct 21, 2014

Based on the research results, it is known that the examination of the development of the fetal nasal bone in the middle half of pregnancy may help doctors to identify the possibility of the baby having Down syndrome. Currently, the most effective way to find out is by amniocentesis, where a doctor will take a sample of amniotic fluid. Unfortunately, this test may cause a risk of miscarriage.

According to a 2003 study on ultrasound were written in Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, stated that the nasal bone grows less than perfect present in 61.8% of fetuses with Down syndrome abnormalities. And 21% of normal fetuses had a normal nasal bone development. This suggests that the nasal bones are not perfectly evolved associated with a high risk of Down syndrome.

Experts estimate that combining imperfect growth of the nasal bone and other test method can enhance the ability to detect any abnormalities of Down syndrome in the fetus by more than 90% accuracy, so it is likely that risky amniocentesis method can be minimized.

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