Opening Yourself Tag
>> Mar 30, 2010

1. Who are you at home?
I’m a daughter and a wife; not yet a mom.
2. Who are you; according to your friends?
I’m not asking my friends; I’m asking my husband and sister in-laws. So, here I am:
- honest
- stubborn
- moody
- faithful
- a good listener
- the best secret keeper
- a not much talking person
3. Mention 5 wanted things that haven’t yet achieved.
It has to be things? Ok, it’s my list:
- a baby room
- a hi-tech SLR digital camera
- a family car
- a PDA phone
- a family entertainment room
4. Who is your spouse’s name?
Usrofi, I call him Mas Fi. My sister and brother in-laws call him Oppie.
5. Tell 5 things that you like most from your spouse!
-love me so much.
-very funny
-a good cook
-a caring person
6. When did you get married?
We got married in Bogor, July 14th, 2002.
7. What is your bad memory as a couple?
We need to struggle to get my father’s blessing. It’s a hard one…
8. What is your love song?
We don’t have one. We like to listen many songs, but most of them aren’t love songs.
9. What changes do you want to see from your spouse?
Stop smoking and care about his health more.
10. Share the tag to another 10 blogger friends.
Hehehe, I let and invite all my friends to GRAB the tag…
6 komentar:
now, i knew...who you are. just a little. thank's.
thanks for sharing. now, i know more about you. have a good day always
Wow, thank you for sharing some part of being you :-)
hope you will be a mom soon..
smoga kabar baik sob :)
Really best description I red, and feels that you are my neighbor and well known to me.
These aren't gun safety issues per se, they're part of a test for young hunters. I'm happy you took the hunter safety course, and thank you for sharing what you feel are important issues. You obviously know the answers, you learned well, and all of us can stand a short review. After all, training is forever. So is a dedication to be an ethical and safe hunter.
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