CC: Sweet Gestures
>> Apr 1, 2010
What makes couples happy? What makes marriages last? Terri Orbuch (a research professor and a marriage-and-family therapist) and her team mentioned the secrets of happy married couples:
"Really great marriages are not the result of long hours of hard work, but of everyday behaviors and attitudes, seemingly small gestures that show your spouse that he or she is noticed, appreciated, respected, loved and desired"
So, the secret of a happy couple is the small stuffs, the small gestures that we do often such as:
"Really great marriages are not the result of long hours of hard work, but of everyday behaviors and attitudes, seemingly small gestures that show your spouse that he or she is noticed, appreciated, respected, loved and desired"
So, the secret of a happy couple is the small stuffs, the small gestures that we do often such as:
- Hubby tells me that I always look beautiful.
- I bring him coffee in bed in the morning; he brings me a glass of warm water in the night.
- Every time he’s leaving home; he kisses my forehead; and I kiss his hand.
- Before going to bed, we’re forgiving each other and holding hands.
- When he’s tired, I always massage him (and vice versa).
- If we’re in the middle of a misunderstanding and one of us is pointing forward the bended little finger, the other isn’t allowed to reject the reconcilement invitation. This funny way can always break the ice; and it becomes a good start to communicate heart by heart.
Those are some of ours. Visit Couple's Corner if you want to know more stories...