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CC: Am I a Yes Wife?

>> Oct 14, 2010

I’m not proud to say this; but in fact, I don’t say yes or agree with everything my husband’s wants and thinks. I guess that’s why he wants me to less stubborn. Sometimes, we have different opinion and point of view about things and we decide to let it. We are two different people; we can’t always have the same thoughts, right?

But when it comes to big and important things in our marriage life, we always try to discuss and compromise, to get one decision that we agree together. But don’t misjudge me, I’m not the kind of wife that doesn’t trust the husband and often forbids when the husband wants to go out besides work. It’s not me at all. Every time he wants to go somewhere (after work hours), he always tells what he will do and who he will meet. He also always asks my permission; and I’ve never said no.

My hubby forbids me leaving far from home alone. Sometimes I don’t obey it and go out to the place by myself. I usually tell him after I’ve arrived at home again, hahaha.

I guess as long as I can give clear and reasonable argument and reason, it’s okay if I sometimes don’t say yes or disagree with hubby. And for his understanding, I always say thank you.

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
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