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Infograph: Baby’s First Year Digital Prints

>> Feb 15, 2014

Let me share interesting results of a survey conducted last year between parents of kids age 0-12 months about how most parents manage their babies’ digital photos during the first year. It seems that many parents in today’s digital era have taken benefits of social medias in sharing their newborn babies’ photos; but when it comes to birth announcements, most parents prefer the old way: telephone calls. Happy news should be conveyed out loud and straightly :)
You are surely so proud of your baby, but I think it’s not wise to let other people that you don’t recognize to see the photos of your loved one. Most parents have similar opinion, so privacy settings of your babies’ digital photos are needed.  There are other related things that you should know, you may check out this infograph.
Visit the link to get bigger infograph

This infographic is provided to you by Shutterfly, the leader in photo memories that provides gifts ideas for babies & more!

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