Teachergive Sale 2023

Teachergive Sale 2023

Unfortunate Day

>> Feb 10, 2014

Bad things also happen to good people, right? Last Saturday, we experienced unfortunateness.  My husband once in a while parks our car outside, on the side of the street, in the front of our home. He always locates the car at the spot which we can see it from our bedroom’s window.

Last Saturday, sadly, it turned out that someone had broken the left rear window of our car. Since it’s a rainy day, we spent the day at home but we didn’t notice unusual or suspicious things occurred. My husband has just known about the broken window in Saturday night, when he drove the car to the nearby store. After parking the car, he’s just seen the mess of scattered broken glass on the back seat.

Wise people always advise not to ‘invite’ any crime. In this case, my husband made a mistake by leaving his laptop bag inside the car. Though there’s nothing worthy in the bag –only a few t-shirts; it could attract bad people to steal it. We should be more careful next time. Security guards in our neighborhood said that during their  patrol in Saturday afternoon, they saw the car window was still in good shape. Perhaps the bad guys are pro; they know the right time and how to do it quickly.

We started cleaning the car in Sunday morning. We should attend a family gathering yesterday but because of this, we weren’t able to go. The cleaning wasn’t an easy one, tiny sharp broken glasses scattering to almost every part of the car’s interior. Even my husband got several wounds when removing those glass clutter.

We used this blue plastic scoop to ease the cleaning job; it's a handy and useful tool.  Aha, I can link to Blue MondayHappy Monday everyone! 

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Welcome to my blog. I'm a home maker, a stay at home wife. I'm just an ordinary woman who has interest in reading, working at home and learning to write. We live in Bogor, Indonesia.
This blog contains articles in family topic.
Contact me at linalg4@gmail.com

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