Gorilla is one of
amazing creatures in the world. Look at his expression and attitude. While many
visitors took pictures of him; this gorilla still looked calm and relaxed. The
gorilla was captured last year at the Schmutzer Primate Center (the Ragunan
Zoo, Jakarta, Indonesia). In this place, he lives in a small forest with a pond
at its center. The forest is surrounded by water channel.
Gorilla's home. At that time, I saw only two gorillas there. |
Didn't look bothered at all with the crowd. |
Peekaboo :) |
22 komentar:
Fun shots of the Gorilla. They are amazing critters.. Happy weekend!
Hello, Dearest Lina Gustina;
Oh, I've never seen Gorilla but I have an image for them as a king of forest and strong. His /Her relaxed face is really adorable in your wonderful picture♡♡♡
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
they are so intelligent.
he looks very content in staying there. his surroundings are beautiful. love that expression in the last photo. have a great weekend~
Fun post and great shots of the 'CalmGorilla' ~ love him/her ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ xoxo
artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)
Great Series of photos! :)
A very handsome animal.
Cool shots of the Gorilla.
A great post, a lot to study closer! Funny!
Hi Lina, I also think the gorilla is a magnificent cousin of ours, so human-like in their expressive faces and wonderful in every way. Thank you for sharing these awesome photos :)
Gorillas are great and very peaceful creatures (even if they dont look so), I love them.
gorilla yang cantik, jangan sampai deh punah keberadaannya
Amazing shots!
gorillanya kok tutup muka..malu di foto ya.... keep happy blogging always,,salam dari Makassar :-)
His surroundings look lush and comfortable. Such amazing animals so much like us. I wonder what he'd say if he could talk.
schöne Bilder
und doch wirkt der Gorilla für mich etwas traurig vom Ausdruck her
einen LG vom katerchen
HI Wonderful critter post.
I think the gorilla is having the same thought. He is watching the humans with a peculiar look :)
They have such wonderful faces.
What a magnificent creature!
They can seem so amazingly human at times!
Gorillas are amazing animals. They are so big, yet they are so human like in so many of their behaviors. Nice captures.
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