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Laundry Service

>> Apr 28, 2014

How often do you use a laundry service? I use laundry service when I need to clean things that hard to clean with our home washing machine such as pillows, thin rugs and curtains. Clothes made from soft fabrics will be washed by hand.

Here, cheap laundry services usually located near housings and colleges. While the exclusive and expensive ones can be found at malls. I took shots of an exclusive laundry service. The wide and clear glass walls allow me to see stuffs and the activities of the employees there.   

Blue ironing boards

7 komentar:

SwedishCorner ~ DownUnder...Pernilla April 28, 2014 at 5:21 PM  

Happy Blue Monday, Lina :)
I've never used a laundry service - I do all my laundry at home. Love my new washing machine. So excited, my Electrolux has a steam setting to freshen up clothes, curtains... whatever you feel like - 21 minutes for mixed materials and 35 mins for cotton. Perfect for curtains! This SAHM is one happy lady lol Have a great week!

SmilingSally April 28, 2014 at 7:44 PM  

Hi Lina,

Since I retired, I very seldom use a cleaners. Obviously, I'm dressing more casually too. Thanks for sharing.

Have a Happy Blue Monday!

Annesphamily April 28, 2014 at 8:18 PM  

We are waiting on a plumber today! Plumbing woes with all these trees. I use a laundromat occasionally to do our large comforters and bedding. Not too much dry cleaning though. Interesting post. Happy blue Monday.

WE April 28, 2014 at 9:25 PM  

May be, once in a month...

Hannah April 29, 2014 at 1:31 PM  

I have a bedspread that won't fit into my washing machine, I may have to find a laundromat with an oversized machine sometime. Commercial laundromats do have resources I don't have.

Anonymous April 30, 2014 at 12:18 AM  

I try to avoid buying clothing that requires such care. If I can't throw it in my washing machine, it's not going to be in my closet.

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