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Kartini Day

>> Apr 21, 2014

Kartini -image:id.wikipedia.org

Today, April 21th, my country celebrates Kartini Day. Until now, Indonesia has admitted that Raden Adjeng Kartini is a figure that leads the movement of female emancipation in Indonesia. The efforts done by the woman born in Jepara (Central Java, Indonesia) was a manifestation of her concern to the people suffering during the era of colonial Dutch occupation, especially the fate of women.

In her lifetime, Kartini had a critical view on the social inequalities that occurred in society at that time. She said women should have the same rights as men, especially in regard to education. Various concerns were often conveyed via letters to her friend in the Netherlands, Mrs. Abendanon.

In one of her letters dated October 4th, 1901, she said,”We are here pleading the education for girls, it’s not because we want girls became rivals to men in her life. But we are sure the education will give positive influence to women. Besides, good education makes women are more able to fulfill their obligation to be a mother, the first and main educator in each family.”

Kartini developed a school for women.  Sadly, she died young at 25 years old, several days after giving birth of her son.
Her shawl has blue touches :)
I have no related image in blue.  So, for Blue Monday, let me share a portrait of Mrs. Casmah, 72 years of age lady who has become a coconut oil maker and seller for more than fifty years. She lives in my husband’s hometown. I guess she’s a fine example of a strong woman who never stops struggling for her family’s living.

8 komentar:

SmilingSally April 22, 2014 at 12:44 AM  

Hi Lina,

I guess you could say you are blue that Kartini died so young. Thanks for sharing that and the image of Mrs. Casmah.

Have a Happy Blue Monday!

Karen April 22, 2014 at 2:06 AM  

Kartini- a brave and wise woman.

Obat Sakit April 22, 2014 at 4:13 AM  

met hari Kartini ya untuk semuanya

Leovi April 22, 2014 at 4:48 AM  

All my support for women and their independence, Happy day!

Hariyanto Wijoyo April 22, 2014 at 8:02 AM  

masih banyak type ibu seperti ibu Casmah disekitar kita..yang mau berjuang dalam menghadapi kehidupan dunia yang keras..selamat hari kartini...keep happy blogging always..salam dari Makassar :-)

EG CameraGirl April 22, 2014 at 6:44 PM  

A brave young woman to stand up for women's rights more than a century ago.

FABBY'S LIVING April 23, 2014 at 2:58 AM  

Yes, a very brave woman and I believe Kartini died too!
That stupid Noah movie shouldn't be allowed anywhere because it's ugly and it doesn't go by the real Bible story!
Thanks for your sweet visit!

Obat Sakit April 25, 2014 at 4:53 AM  

Ibu Kartini memang hebat...
Tiap tahunnya beliau dimuliakan Indonesia

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