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Teachergive Sale 2023

Learning to Nature

>> Apr 17, 2014

One of the most important responsibilities of parents is to make sure that their children get the best education. Nowadays, there are many places of learning that come with its own ways and methods. Each has advantages and disadvantages; so that's what must be considered to help parents choosing the right school for their kids.


One of the educational institutions that could be an option for your child is to learn in the nature school; schools that emphasize active learning process, through the nature around. 

School with nature method is an alternative education that uses nature as the main media of student learning. Here the children learn from all beings in the universe. In the concept of nature school education, there are three functions namely nature as a learning space, nature as media and teaching materials, and nature as an object of learning. 

A nature school runs a teaching and learning process that focused on the experience of the students in the open nature. Another advantage of a nature school is the location is still very natural and beautiful, so it supports teaching and learning activities to the fullest. 

As a school based on the natural environment, outdoor activities have the largest parts. Ranging from gardening lesson, learning math with the help of objects around, to learning to socialize with residents. Since methods of teaching and learning with action learning are most used, children can actively learn through experience. If experiencing things directly, every child will learn more excitedly, not be bored, and more active. As a result, children will be happy in school and more easily absorb the lessons.

1 komentar:

EG CameraGirl April 18, 2014 at 6:25 PM  

Nature and children are a great combination. What a shame many parents don't know that!

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