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Life Changing Cosmetic Surgery - Rhinoplasty for Your Teen, are They Ready?

>> Jun 19, 2015

It is vital to explain and to make sure teenagers understand just how life changing cosmetic surgery can be, and how much it can influence their future. However, they should not be scared away, if they really need it, rather, they need to be aware of what can be done, and what needs to be done in order to ensure that they surgery goes well, and that there are no problems. But, teens need to have grown to a point, when having surgery is not going to impede or mess up anything in their life.

Offering realistic expectations

Teens need to understand that cosmetic surgery is not only to alter their look, rather it is meant to help people who have issues with their looks, or who need help with improving their overall facial features. However, they should not have unrealistic expectations, as they might end up feeling bad for having the surgery in the first place. Having realistic expectations might be disheartening, but it is needed that teens fully grasp how much change is going to happen to them, and whether or not they can cope with and go on with their lives later on.

Take into consideration a number of factors before undergoing surgery

Cosmetic surgery can be stressful on your body, especially if you have to undergo a serious procedure, and it is always better to do the necessary tests to check if your teen is ready to be a candidate for cosmetic surgery. Moreover, make sure that you have a local surgeon who can help you with specific detail, and who can help you out if there are any issues your teen needs to deal with prior to surgery, and even after the procedure has been done.

Being in excellent health

Whether it is for cosmetic surgery or for any kind other, it is always imperative that your teen is in good health. Without passing a health exam, you should not even let your teen consider to get surgery. Consulting with a surgeon beforehand might help with getting their health back on track, and making sure that nothing goes awry during the procedure. However, your surgeon should explain in detail just how much struggle it is going to be after the surgery, and that your teenager will have to take good care of themselves for a while until they recuperate.

Do not do it for no reason

It is very important to have a good reason to undergo cosmetic surgery, especially if you are choosing rhinoplasty, as it can be extremely hard to correct it later on. Furthermore, it is crucial that your teen knows and has a good reason for why they should consider altering their nose, especially if they do not have a health-related issue. Make sure that they keep in mind just how hard it can be to correct a mistake, and it will be even harder to live with a bad choice in life.

There is hope for redoing surgery

Although it is generally better to avoid having to mend or repair a mistake or error your surgeon has made, or even if your teen made a bad mistake, there is hope to have everything mended and back to normal. With the help of revision cosmetic surgery, it is possible to undergo corrective surgery that will either produce the wanted results, or improve a mistake which has been made. But, make sure that your teen does not rely on this option too much, because they might take the whole procedure lightheartedly.

Is your teen ready?

Just because your teen states that they are ready, you should make absolutely sure whether they want it or not, and you should make it perfectly clear that there is no going back once they decide to undergo surgery. It all boils down to ensuring that your teen is resolute and completely sure that surgery is what they want, and that they can live with the results. Moreover, make sure that your teen’s first impulse passes, and that it is not only a whim to change something surgically on themselves, but that it is something they need and is crucial for their life.

1 komentar:

Staff Administrator June 20, 2015 at 9:30 PM  

Belajar dari kasus yg pernah terjadi kemarin jd ngeri ya mbak, memang seyogjanya perawatan kecantikan harus di yangani oleh orang yg memang ahli :)

Selamat menjalankan puasa :)

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