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Packing For a Beach Trip

>> Jun 4, 2015

Before going on a beach vacation, you should probably make reservations. Most resorts and spas have a way to make reservations online, or you can contact the resort over the phone. Make sure you get an email as a confirmation of the reservation in the event the resort tries to tell you that you didn't pay any money or that you didn't call about the date. 
beach vacation
When it's time to go on your vacation, there are a few things to keep in mind as you pack. Some resorts have suites that have a kitchen and sitting area. These often include a stove, refrigerator, dishes and a couch. You will likely have plenty of towels, but you it's a good idea to have beach towels and a few extra washcloths. The air from the ocean can dry out your hair, so you need to pack a good conditioner. You should also pack lotion for your skin as it can get dried out as well. Make sure you take plenty of sunscreen for yourself and a higher SPF level for children who are going.

There are a few accessories that you might want to include. Find a beach bag that has a plastic base. This will make it easier to wash off after being in the sand. You should also pack a few sand toys, sunglasses and a good book to read if you want to lounge by the pool or on a chair in the sand. An essential item is the bathing suit. You might want to have an extra one in case you want to wear a two-piece one day and a one-piece the next or if one has to get washed from all the sand. Other items to consider include chargers for phones or a laptop, flip flops, a camera and medications that you need to take on a daily basis.

1 komentar:

Sonya Gardner October 19, 2015 at 8:38 PM  

Very well summarized article! I love packing for the beach. Thanks for sharing

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