A Great Help Comes on the Right Time
>> Oct 15, 2009
I can’t online on the past two days (that’s why I’m updating this blog so late) because my hubby was in his worst condition. For two days I didn’t sleep- it’s so hard for me to see he’s groaning in pain. He felt great pain inside his right leg; from buttock to calf; and it continuously attacked him. I felt so useless; there’s nothing I can do to ease his pain. Drugs from doctors, hot compress, massage; all didn’t work.
We’ve tried several kinds of different therapies; but there isn’t yet that’s successful to ease my hubby’s pain. Tuesday afternoon, his legs became very cold and he started to feel numb; but the pain inside the right leg still occurred. My anxiousness was rising up more and more…
We’re going through that hard and exhausting Tuesday night. On the next early Wednesday morning; I tried to seek more information on a good therapist to my neighbors and relatives. One of my aunts gave me the information and she very recommended the therapist. I didn’t know why; but I felt so sure about it, so, immediately, I called the therapist and invite him to come.
The therapist handled my hubby for almost three hours. Though the therapy looked painful, it truly gave a great result! He’s able to sit, stand and walk again – the things that he can’t do for weeks before! I think it’s very amazing because this great result happened from just only one times therapy. Wow!!
Of course, he isn’t yet completely healthy; but we’re so happy and grateful to God with this big improvement. I was writing this post this afternoon while he’s having the second therapy. The therapist said that my hubby must get therapy three times in a role.
I just want to say: every time we’re in trouble or other bad condition; we have to keep positive thinking and believe that there will be the best solution. Don’t ever loose hope and faith that God will help us. God will help and answer our pray with God’s way… So, in my recently experience, God have sent the best therapist for my hubby to our home. My hubby now can smile and laugh again; it’s so priceless! Thank God, Alhamdulillah.
Buat Sobat yang berdomisili di Bogor dan sekitarnya, yang mungkin sedang mencari informasi tentang Ahli Totok Saraf yang bagus, saya sangat merekomendasikan Beliau yang satu ini. Bayangkan, suami saya yang sudah dua malam tidak tidur karena sangat kesakitan; bisa ditangani dengan tepat dan cepat. Dengan satu kali terapi saja, sudah banyak sekali kemajuan yang dirasakan. Ini yang membuat saya kagum, karena berbeda dengan terapi-terapi lain yang pernah kita coba, sudah berkali-kali terapi, tapi belum kelihatan perkembangannya.
Suami saya sebelumnya menderita saraf terjepit yang lumayan parah; karena kakinya sampai kebas dan sangat dingin; berbaring saja susah, apalagi untuk duduk dan berdiri, sangat menyakitkan! Insya Allah, saya juga berencana untuk ikut terapi totok dengan Beliau, dalam ikhtiar kami untuk mendapatkan momongan. Mudah-mudahan Allah meridhoi; mohon do’a Sobat semua…
We’ve tried several kinds of different therapies; but there isn’t yet that’s successful to ease my hubby’s pain. Tuesday afternoon, his legs became very cold and he started to feel numb; but the pain inside the right leg still occurred. My anxiousness was rising up more and more…
We’re going through that hard and exhausting Tuesday night. On the next early Wednesday morning; I tried to seek more information on a good therapist to my neighbors and relatives. One of my aunts gave me the information and she very recommended the therapist. I didn’t know why; but I felt so sure about it, so, immediately, I called the therapist and invite him to come.
The therapist handled my hubby for almost three hours. Though the therapy looked painful, it truly gave a great result! He’s able to sit, stand and walk again – the things that he can’t do for weeks before! I think it’s very amazing because this great result happened from just only one times therapy. Wow!!
Of course, he isn’t yet completely healthy; but we’re so happy and grateful to God with this big improvement. I was writing this post this afternoon while he’s having the second therapy. The therapist said that my hubby must get therapy three times in a role.
I just want to say: every time we’re in trouble or other bad condition; we have to keep positive thinking and believe that there will be the best solution. Don’t ever loose hope and faith that God will help us. God will help and answer our pray with God’s way… So, in my recently experience, God have sent the best therapist for my hubby to our home. My hubby now can smile and laugh again; it’s so priceless! Thank God, Alhamdulillah.
Buat Sobat yang berdomisili di Bogor dan sekitarnya, yang mungkin sedang mencari informasi tentang Ahli Totok Saraf yang bagus, saya sangat merekomendasikan Beliau yang satu ini. Bayangkan, suami saya yang sudah dua malam tidak tidur karena sangat kesakitan; bisa ditangani dengan tepat dan cepat. Dengan satu kali terapi saja, sudah banyak sekali kemajuan yang dirasakan. Ini yang membuat saya kagum, karena berbeda dengan terapi-terapi lain yang pernah kita coba, sudah berkali-kali terapi, tapi belum kelihatan perkembangannya.
Suami saya sebelumnya menderita saraf terjepit yang lumayan parah; karena kakinya sampai kebas dan sangat dingin; berbaring saja susah, apalagi untuk duduk dan berdiri, sangat menyakitkan! Insya Allah, saya juga berencana untuk ikut terapi totok dengan Beliau, dalam ikhtiar kami untuk mendapatkan momongan. Mudah-mudahan Allah meridhoi; mohon do’a Sobat semua…