Albino Carabao
>> Sep 25, 2010
Accidentally, I saw these raw albino carabaos. There’s no one guarded them. They were eating grass in a grass field between two roads; not far from our home. In Solo, Central Java, Indonesia, albino carabaos are very sacred animals. They get special treatment and respect from Solo people. So, I was rather shocked to see them here (Bogor, West Java, Indonesia). I captured it from a moving car; that's why I didn't have best angle.
What is Albino? Albinism is due to various gene mutations that affect the production of normal pigmentation. True albinos lack melanin and are white with no markings and with unpigmented pink eyes. Partial (blue-eyed) albinos have some residual pigmentation. There are various degrees of patchy albinism (piebaldism) due to localised mutations in skin cells.
It’s a pity that I can’t find specific information about albinio carabao. The carabao or Bubalus bubalis carabanesis is a domesticated subspecies of the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) found in the Philippines, Guam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and various parts of Southeast Asia. Carabaos are associated with farmers, being the farm animal of choice for pulling both a plow and the cart used to haul produce to the market.
Adult carabaos weigh seven to eight hundred kilograms—almost 2,000 pounds—and have fairly long gray or black hair thinly covering their huge bodies. They have a tuft of hair on their forehead, and at the tip of their tail. Normally, they are silent and passive, but they will give a trembling snort if they are surprised. Both male and female have massive horns. Since the carabao has no sweat glands, it cools itself by lying in a waterhole or mud during the heat of the day. Mud, caked on to its body, also protects it from bothersome insects.
The carabao eats grass and other vegetation, feeding mainly in the cool of the mornings and evenings. In some places of the world the carabao is a source of milk just like the cow, or it may be slaughtered for its hide and its meat. Its life span is 18 to 20 years and the female carabao can deliver one calf each year (Wikipedia).