One on One
>> Aug 20, 2011

Fighting for their territory
Lots of cats fight because of their territory. They feel like an unwanted cat has attacked their territory, even if it is a cat that has stayed with them for a long time. Cats are much more territorial than dogs and the gender of the cat has very little to do with it.
In contrast to what a lot of people think, female cats are occasionally just as territorial as their male counterparts. If you have two cats in your home, you might observe that one cat hisses and swats at the other whenever he feels his territory has been invaded. This can also occur if you bring a new cat into the home. They are only protecting their territory.
Social ranking
Either male cats frequently intimidate and fight with each other for social ranking; even sterilized males may do this. If you have multiple cats, especially more than one male cat, one cat is usually considered the "alpha male" and will be at the top of the cat hierarchy.
Either male cats frequently intimidate and fight with each other for social ranking; even sterilized males may do this. If you have multiple cats, especially more than one male cat, one cat is usually considered the "alpha male" and will be at the top of the cat hierarchy.
Two cats might posture their bodies, then begin howling and screaming at one another. If one of the cats walks away or backs down, then the catfight is usually avoided. However, if neither one craves to throw in the towel and surrender, then one cat will assault the other by jumping forward and attempting to bite the neck.
The other cat will fall on his back and tries to bite or scratch the attacker with its hind legs. The two cats might go through this some times before walking away. There are generally no wounds sustained in these sorts of fights. You may even notice that kittens or young cats play with one another this way. Most of the time, you will not need to interfere.
Cats also fight as an effect of some kind of redirected aggression and this is relatively general, especially with indoor cats. Your cat might be looking outside the window at another cat or dog crossing the yard. Your cat starts to feel territorial and aggressive at this cat, but since this other cat cannot be achieved, he may instead attack the other family cat.
If you find your cats fighting irregularly, you should know that this is common and quite typical of cats. In general, you will be able to assume whether or not your cats are fighting for "blood" or just playing around.
The time to end a fight is when it gets horrible, otherwise; let your cats to work it out themselves. If you feel the need to stop a catfight, then you should do it watchfully. Even the most loving cat can bite or scratch you in aggressive passion. To stop a fight, you should make some kind of loud noise, such as a handclap. Since cats are surprised by loud noises, they will both stop to see what is making the noise. You can also spray water on them to interfere with the aggressive behavior.