A Smart Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
>> Jul 28, 2012
Captured when we watched an animal show
(the Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta, Indonesia). These birds are naturally curious and
very intelligent. They are very long-lived, and can live upwards of 70 years in
captivity although they only live to about 20–40 years in the wild (source:wikipedia).
13 komentar:
pretty and smart birds. :)
The first time i approach a cuckatoo like that, to my amazement, it said: 'would you like a cup of tea'. That was my inspiration to teach my landlady's green parrot to say it translated in our language!
nice catch
they are fascinating birds, but I must get on my soap box - so many people don't research a species they may wish to adopt! Large birds do live a very long time, and they are such cool companions, but they can be so destructive! And I don't believe in any intelligent creature should live in a cage....nice pic
That's beautiful. Visiting from Camera critters.
Our CRITTERS, your comment will be greatly appreciated. Have a great Saturday!
Beautiful bird!
He is busy!
Hopping by from camera critters.
Some Cardinal shots, come and see.
menyenangkan hati bila bisa punya se-ekor :)
Terus terang aku salut sama artikelnya mba Lina...keep in touch.
nice capture...
hey, that's bird is smart
I am surprised. I thought that any one birds animals or humans would die sooner in captivity.
Lovely shot!!
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